Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
George fidgeted in his place on the couch. He tossed and turned, as Riley watched. Finally, his hand fell off, and Riley caught it with hers. George's eyes open to see Riley with a worried expression.

"Another nightmare?" She asks him, and he nods. He picks her up, and puts her on his lap.

"So strong." She gushes, and he smiles.

He puts his cheek against hers, "Don't die on meeeeee." He complains, and she laughs in response. They looked around to see everyone had gotten up.

"Damn, we're lazy." Riley comments simply.

"So am I!" Someone shouts from under the blankets, as a hand pops out. They uncover their blankets to reveal their identity. A cerulean blue eyed Maya stares sleepily in their direction. "But Riley isn't usually lazy." She states.

"She's turning into a Mrs. Spagnili." George laughs at her, and Riley yawns in response.

Farkle appears in the family room. "Alright, children. Time to get up." He rips up Maya's blanket, blowing raspberries on her open stomach. She squeals as she kicks. Once he was done, he stared at Riley with open arms.

"No no no no." Riley says as she gets up, and speed walks away from him. But he caught up to her, and blocked her by putting each hand on the couch behind her. He blows raspberries on her stomach, and she squeals the same.

"You getting up man?" He asks George, and he responds by falling of the couch onto the floor.

Maya suddenly springs up out of her blanket. "MALL TIME!" She exclaimed happily, with a wide smile.

"Breakfast first." Riley said sweetly, and Maya pouted. Nonetheless, they brushed their teeth, and walked into the kitchen to eat.


We see Charlisa sitting there alone, with dark circles under her eyes. She had the gloomiest expression I've ever seen. She continues to eat her cereal robotically.

"Mom won't let me go to the mall with you guys." She said once she realized we were all looking at her. "Something about Maya being a slut. Don't know what that's all about." She looked up at Maya. "Which, you're not, by the way."

Maya giggles, "I am a little."

"Oh, come on. Don't say that about yourself."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Maya replies honestly as she gets the cereal.

I lean against the Island. "Well, I guess it's just the three of us now." I smile, and Riley smiles up at me. After she did that she got strawberries from the fridge.

"George has to watch his sister today. But he said he'd still come with us tonight." I tell her.

"Sounds good." She responds. After we all got our breakfast, we went upstairs to get ready.
I walk behind Riley and Maya in the mall. Riley turns her head at every little thing she sees, and Maya continues to strut forward like she always does. I grab Riley by the waist and she turns to me.

"Why can't you be more like Maya. You see how chill she is? Why can't you be like that."

"'Cause I'm not Maya." She simply states as she sips on her drink. I roll my eyes. I put a hand on Maya's shoulder.

"How you doing, baby girl?" I ask her, and she puts her head on my shoulder.

"Good. You?"

I nod as I gaze at her. "Same." Riley runs to a store window, putting her hand on the glass, as she stared into the window. We walk closer to see Zoomiez written up top.

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