Chapter 1~ Autumn in May

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Seeping its way mercilessly through the seams of the male's clothing, the atmosphere fell frozen upon him. He never had to wrap up this cosy when walking down the streets of London in the middle of May.

The weather was usually warm to the touch. The sun rays would beam down from it's glorious home in the universe and it would caress the bare skin lightly and engrave its warmth inside the body of the host. Spring days were lovely. The bees would buzz around busy in their contribution to the world, the kids would chortle and giggle as they played around in the streets and parks creating forever memories with their buddies and the adults would relax with an alcoholic drink or two without having a worry in the world. Vasbar missed the spring. He would have an amazing time hanging out with his best friends at the waterpark that was nearby and they would have barbeques until the midnight came as to which they would then roast marshmallows around a campfire and sing campfire songs late into the night. Those were the best times and the most precious times for him as he loved the sweet taste of freedom. 

Now it was like the world was dim and dark. The coldness would scare people into their houses and it felt as if the community themselves had become cold-hearted. There were no kids running around with their friends, no adults sat outside with a glass of champagne in their clutches and the streets felt so empty; it was as if their town had become abandoned, lost even. It felt as if it was autumn in May.  

The male shivered and rubbed his hands as he and one of his good friends, Vincent, walked down the street on their way to Eme's house for an evening meal. Their footsteps were in unison and their breathing was elevated as the bitter air left them no mercy and spiked their lungs like brambles twisting and turning inside of them like a plague. Eme had arranged for Vasbar and Vincent to come round and have a meal with her this one night because she hadn't seen the two males in quite some time, as she had had a holiday down in Hell with the rest of her family as she was half demon.

(That's a thing that should have been mentioned in the story description. This isn't your average "normal" love story in the sense that not everyone here is human.)

Vasbar walked alongside his friend. Vincent. He was a tall, fragile and emotionally unstable person who stuttered and he was just a genuinely kind and creative person to be around. He was smart and crazy once you got to know him and his jet black hair was styled into the non-popular style of a mullet (that doesn't suit many people but he manages to pull it off quite fine). He had chocolate brown eyes and he wore red glasses and he was your typical and average nerd. He was wearing his signature and favourite purple hoodie and he also had a green scarf wrapped comfortably around his neck as he looked down and smiled at Vasbar who was about six inches smaller than him. But that can't be frowned upon as Vincent is twenty and Vasbar is sixteen though it did make him self-conscious of his height. 

Compared to Vincent, Vasbar was a sight for sore eyes. In his own opinion. He was not "normal" looking in the slightest, but all of that was to do with his traumatic past. His hair was a natural crimson colour and styled in the vaguely popular style of a quiff. His eyes were completely white, it looked as if he was blind because his eyes were glazed over but infact he could see as clear as day and to top that off, there was a permanent thin black outline around his eyes that looked like eyeliner when in fact it wasn't. He also had sharp fangs, like a vampire, but they worked like normal canines in a human. It was weird. He hated how he looked but he couldn't blame himself for it as he wasn't born like this. His ensemble consisted of his signature "suit". It was a long sleeved pearl white shirt tied up with a silky velvet black tie and he wore his jeans and formal black shoes. He was also wearing a beanie hat and baby blue scarf accompanying his regular ensemble as the air was nifty and evil.

He smiled back up at his beloved best friend as they turned a corner. They were now only three blocks away from Eme's house. He groaned aloud accidently as he thought about this and that earned a "hm?" from Vincent.

"What's up bud?" He spoke. His voice was smooth and kind.

Vasbar replied with another groan, "We still  have three whole blocks to go before we arrive at Eme's house! Why does she have to live soooo far away?!" he exclaimed dramatically which earned a laugh from the older male.

"I-I don't know!" Vincent said, "You're just moaning because your s-short little legs can't walk all that way!" 

That remark resulted in an exaggerated gasp escaping the shorter male's mouth. "How. very. dare. you!" He was shocked that Vincent would say that! He was never cheeky so this was unexpected. He nudged his friend with his elbow which resulted in a shriek of laughter emitting from him.

"At least I don't -" he paused, he was never good at returning banter, "At least I don't  -UGH- fuck it" he sulked which resulted in even more laughter coming from his friend.

"Nice o-one" Vincent drew.

"Fuck off" Vasbar countered with anger clearly portrayed in his voice.

"AWH- Did I hurt s-somewones- feewings?" The older male patronised. He was gaining too much fun out of this, he rarely had a chance to joke around with Vasbar. 

A glare returned and an awkward silence followed as the two continued to walk. 







Eventually the two came up to Eme's street and Vincent felt as if he had to apologise to his friend. 

"S-Sorry Vas... Y-You do know... that I was joking with you .. r-right?" The black haired male usually stuttered more when he was anxious.

Vasbar sighed heavily, feeling bad for how he reacted, "Yeah, I know." He smiled up at Vincent. "You have no reason to apologise, you were just kidding and I took it to heart. I shouldn't have reacted in that way. So I'm sorry too." He smiled more but then he added, his smile turning into a  smirk, "That'll teach you to... small talk! " He snorted and clicked his fingers fingergunning his friend. "Pew Pew !"

That remark resulted in a pained groan from Vincent and a facepalm followed. Vincent should have known that Vasbar's sense of humour ended up being over the top and confusing but it always, without fail, ended with a terrible, terrible pun.

Vincent sighed, "So you w-were joking this whole time?!" He proclaimed with his left eye twitching and his arms in the air.

"You got it~" Was the reply.

"Ugh- I give u-up with you Vas... s-seriously" He laughed. "Screw you man."


Obliviously, they had arrived at Eme's front door and Vasbar reached up and pressed the doorbell. They stood silently awaiting the arrival of their host for the night...

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