The Morning After

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When Cheryl Blossom woke up, it was to the sound of metal clanking together and with a killer headache. Her arms were in a dull pain and wrapped in something, she assumed that they are badges. She was laying on something that she didn't recognize. She slowly sat up as last night's events came back to her in one sudden and huge wave. Her parents hurting her, her calling Toni, and then coming here and Toni telling her that it was ok for her to pass out. However, after that there was nothing. Cheryl slowly pulled herself up and looked around. There was no one else in the room with her and the sun was shining through the partly open blinds, but there was voice coming from outside so that's must be where everyone was. The brown haired girl could vaguely remember another boy being in the trailer the night before, but there wasn't much memory to go off of. The only thing that she could remember about him was him wrapping up her arms in bandages.

The brown haired girl realized that she was in a trailer, most likely Toni's, but she couldn't be sure about it. It was slightly dirty, but not terrible. Sure it was nothing compared to Thornhill, but to Cheryl it was nice. It was away from her parents so to her it was ok. At the thought of her parents, she was overcome with fear. That were they going to do to her when they found out where she was or when they found out that she had left the house, kill her was her first thought. She wouldn't put it past her parents to kill one of their own if she disappointed them enough; and she was really a disappointment, at least to them.

After realizing that no one was in the trailer, Cheryl got up off the couch. She was a little unsteady on her feet, nearly falling over at first, but she quickly regained her footing after using the couch as support. She made her way over to do the door and opened it slowly. At the sound of the door opening, all eyes were on her. Toni was outside along with Fangs, Jughead Jones, and the boy that had wrapped her arms the night before. There was also an older man who Cheryl had never seen before. They were eating breakfast and just talking when Cheryl had come outside.

"Oh, thank god your awake," Toni said as she walked over to Cheryl and gave her a small hug, one that showed that she was being careful of the girl's injuries.

"Um, thanks, where exactly am I?" Cheryl asked, "I don't remember much of what happened," Cheryl gave an awkward smile as Toni helped her down off the steps of the trailer. Toni must have noticed that Cheryl wasn't exactly sure on her feet and needed a little help.

"Sunnyside trailer park." Toni said as she let Cheryl sit down in one of the lawn chairs.

"I brought you here after I picked you up, you were pretty out of it by the time we got here, but we patched you up best we could."

"Well, thanks a lot," Cheryl added.

"Any time." Toni said. "Let me introduce everyone, this is Sweetpea, he's the one who wrapped up your arms. That's Jughead and Fangs, but you already know them; and that's FP, Jughead's dad,"

"How you feeling?" Fangs asked as he handed her a paper plate with some eggs on it, everyone else had either finished eating or were almost done eating.

"Thanks." Cheryl said as she took a bite. "My head and arms are killing me, but that is expected after what happened, I really do appreciate it."

Toni smiled, "As I said anytime,"

FP stepped up and spoke for the first time, "Cheryl, what exactly happened?" When Cheryl didn't answer too quickly he spoke again, "You have to look at it a little from my end, one of my guys tells me that Toni has a hurt Blossom in her trailer, it's a little off putting." Cheryl nodded her head in understanding. "Well, Jason my twin brother told my parents that I was helping Toni with chemistry and they didn't like it. They don't like serpents as you know, but for their daughter to hanging around one, they didn't like at all. They decided to teach me a lesson. Afterwards, I didn't have anyone to call, so I called Toni who picked me up and I guess brought me here." 

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