Surprising Savior

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When Cheryl Blossom got home she was not surprised to find her mother, father, and brother waiting for her in the living room. Normally she could sneak past them as they did not want to see her and she did not want to see them, but tonight they had something else in mind. At first she had no idea what they wanted from her, apart from wanting to make her life a living hell like they did every day. However, it all became clear all too quickly.

"Jason tells me you are associating with those southside serpents." Her mother said as she looked her daughter in the eyes, giving her the famous Penelope Blossom death stare. Cheryl didn't meet her mother's eyes and only looked down at the hardwood floor, fear pulsing in her veins. Penelope looked at her daughter as if she was a piece of dirt worth nothing, she treated her that same way too.

Her father then stepped in, "We do not associate with garbage gang bangers, we are Blossoms and you must learn that." He took a step toward Cheryl causing the girl to instantly shrink into herself in fear about what her father was about to do. His eye line fell to Cheryl's arm and she instantly knew what was about to happen. His eyes slowly turned to a bright red and began to glow with heat and power. Two red lines shot from his eyes and burned into Cheryl's arm. He did use the most power that he could, but it hurt like hell. Cheryl felt the urge to scream out in pain as her own father hurt her in a ways a parent should never, but fought it. She would not give him the satisfaction of hearing her scream and she grit her teeth and forced the scream down. She didn't cry either and only looked down at the floor like she had been doing. Her father made thin burn lines all over Cheryl's arms, "That should teach you to behave," he said as he stopped and turned away from his daughter.

Cheryl's arms were burned, the thin burn lines looked like vines that wrapped around her arms. It would scar if she didn't get treatment for it soon, though she already had scars on
Her arm burned and throbbed as she stood still as stone and waited to see what would happen next, wishing and hoping that she could just run away from this place.

Her mother walked to her daughter and gave her a fake pity look, "Poor Cheryl, let me help you with that," She garbed Cheryl's arms, causing the girl to hiss in pain because of the sudden contact with the fresh burns. Her mother gave her a wicked smile as she unleashed an icy blast onto Cheryl's arms.

"Ah!" Cheryl gave a little scream, acting only on instinct, but quickly forced it back down again.

Her mother kept the blasting going, clearly waiting for her daughter to beg her to stop, "Stop," Cheryl said in a weak voice, she was starting to become faint and she knew that the only reason that she was still standing was because she mother was holding her up.

Her mother laughed and let go of her daughter, letting her fall to the floor. She kicked Cheryl in the stomach before turning and walking out of the room, leaving her girl on the floor in pain. Jason followed her mother while her father stayed in the room. He walked over and kicked Cheryl a few times, not saying a word. Finally he leaned down and punched her across the face before he too finally left. Cheryl was left on the floor of her living room, arms bleeding and her whole body seemed to ache with pain. Her parents were done with her, at least for now so she was safe. Cheryl took deep breaths to fight through the pain as she pushed some of her dark brown hair out of her eyes, when she touched her hair she found that it was wet and sticky. When she pulled her hand away from her hair she found that blood had covered part of her hand. She wasn't bleeding much, she had been hurt much more before.

The Blossom girl lay on the ground for a few minutes as she tried to get catch her breath and calm down, soon she pulled herself to her feet. She used the table next to her for balance and she tried to stand straight for a few seconds without falling. She managed after two tries and was soon on her feet. Cheryl started to make her way over to her bag to call Kevin or get any help. She couldn't call 911 because her parents would find out and only hurt her more than they had already so she knew that Kevin was going to be her only option at medical help. She managed to get her bag and make her way towards the door. Once she got outside, still using the walls for support, she leaned against the large house that was only a house and not a home, and dug her phone out of her bag. Thankfully she still had about thirty percent left on it so she had enough power to make a call or two. She quickly called Kevin, hoping that he would answer.

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