chapter 1- fluff

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Shouto's P.O.V

Chapter 1

Deku was there sitting without care in the world. That's what makes him special. That's what what makes him mine. He's so perfect. his hair is always a mess so there isn't anything to do it. His freckles are so cute, they're like little gumdrops on him. I love him I love everything about him. When he talks my heart skips a beat. I can't tell him that I like him. I can't do anything. What's the purpose in life if I can't do anything. I now, I help him, I help him when he needs a hand, I help him when he doesn't. Because he matters and I don't.

He walks up to me asking me how I am. I say good.Covering up the fact that it's not. Recently I have been cutting myself. I don't want to go home he was there. Me and a Deku were walking home. He asked to came over. I don't know why but I did. Maybe he wants to kill me I would too. We go into his room. It smells like strawberries. He asked me if I wanted to play a game I said yes of course. He rummages through his closet to pull out this plat and spinner. I was confused what did he want me to do, I thought we were playing a game. He walked up to me and said let's play. And so we did. I asked what we were playing he just laughed and said you'll see. That got me interested. He set the game up it had colorful dots on it. Deku spun the arrow and it landed on green he told me to put my left leg on green and so I did. We kept putting our limbs everywhere until i was on top of him. My heart was beating fast I didn't know what to do. We kept playing until we were in another awkward position. His butt was in my face. Deku sometimes liked to cross dress ( dress up as the other gender) and he had on a skirt. I would be able to see his underwear, but the thing is he wasn't wearing any. 

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