Chapter 06: Caught And Home Stuck

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UNEDITED (you know the routine ;P)

Note: I had to censor some words so this won't turn into a Rated-R book, sorry if it kinda annoys you but it has to be this way :/ plus there will be a long author's note at the end~


I know women can be very dangerous.

But never this dangerous.

"F*ck." I cussed under my breath, the stinging sensation shocked me making me stand still. Cherry was in front of me, her iron grip on my arm made me bite my inner cheek as her manicured talons pierced through my skin.

So much for peaceful means. And I even promised to be the goody-two-shoes that I once was.

Well I guess I should turn into a monster like I was in the past. A monster that keeps on getting stronger.

"Fight me Remionster!" she screeched, the skin on my wrist turn reddish tomato while seconds pass by. "You cruel witch!"

"You're the witch here." I countered. The impact from the slap still settled on my skin. My blood reaching its highest boiling point. "You whore."

The word whore must've made something snap inside her.

She start to pull my hair and dragged me across the corridor. Before I could push her away she slammed my back towards a brick wall and pulled my chin up. I could taste blood in my mouth but I don't care.

Cause I know that I got the upper hand in this.

"I'm no whore. You stole my boyfriend. You must pay." she spat on my face. I looked at her eyes and smiled. I notice her face scrunched up when i showed her my blood-stained teeth.

"Well Cherry honey," I told her with my most fake sweet voice. "You messed with the wrong girl."

I kicked her on the chest that made her lose her balance and land on the floor. Once I saw her trying to get up I quickly got over her and continuously slapped her face before two of her goons tried to stop me.

"Stop this Remy!" one of her goons shouted.


"Please! She's doesn't know what she's doing!" another one shouted.


"Don't listen to Cherry! Please! Stop!"


"I don't give a flying duck's ass about your petty reasons, Princess." I whispered at Cherry's bloody face. Her nose is bleeding, her cheeks were in a deep shade of scarlet and I guess she'll have some bruises and a black eye. That will probably hurt like hell

But I don't care, I've been through hell thanks to her. Sometimes it's best to give some major payback.

"St...stop." she choked out, "I...I'm sorry."

The way she looks pathetic in front of me looks funny. Yeah she looks pitiful but she looks so funny. The once dominant b*tch is now on her knees, begging for mercy to her once victim. So funny, I would laugh a lot if this was a comedy.

But it's real life. And real life mean serious business.

"Hm..." I stared at her crying eyes that begged for mercy. "How"

Let's just skip the very bloody and violent parts okay?

I'll just say, after  twenty minutes . . .

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