Chapter 01: Opening One's Heart <3

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The cool wind from the air conditioner swept to my back like a gentle caress of a person’s hand, trying to comfort me, telling me that everything will be okay.

But it isn’t.

I raised my head slowly as I try to avoid bumping into my friend. The pounding in my head tells me that I might have fallen asleep again beside him. I looked at my arm and noticed that I unconsciously created a small pool of drool.

God, even if Felix’s still asleep I’m so embarrassed!

I quickly took out my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped off the drool. If my mom’s here she might think that the drooling in my sleep is a sign that I’ve realized that I loved him but he’s still in a coma so while waiting for him to wake up I fell asleep beside him.

Just admit it Remy, your mom is definitely right about that. Such a tragic love story. Oh my, such tragedy indeed.

Ugh, stop keeping yourself down! You better focus on waiting for him to wake up Remy, you’re the only one available to keep an eye on him. The last thing that you would want to know is that the guy who lost his leg and almost his whole eyesight in exchange for your life woke up in a hospital, alone. And you know how much he loathes hospitals after watching too many horror films right?

I slapped my head to snap out of my little world and looked at him, hoping for any signs of consciousness. And it’s the same thing for the past three days. Nothing. Not a flutter of eyelids, or shortness of breath. The only thing that gives me a hope that he’ll still wake up was the beeping of the heart monitor. That his heart is still beating, that he is still alive.

The doctor said that he might be in a coma and never wake up after the trauma that his brain got after the impact of the bus crash. You see, before the accident he was on the waiting shed for his father when the bus driver lost control. The driver slammed the bus that his father was on towards the wall, but it wasn’t just a wall, it was a wall with a waiting shed. As the bus hit the shed Felix was thrown into the air, and before he could even try to land safely, he suddenly landed in front of the bus station, and got hit by another bus, making the other driver panic and accidentally bump the bus on a lamp post. The shattered window pierced Felix’s eyes and his right leg was under the front wheel.

The medics tried the best that they could but the only that they could do was to restore his eyesight to the point that he’ll have to use glasses only, instead of being permanently blind. His right keg? Well, it was beyond repair and his mom had to say good-bye to it.

All of this happened because of me.

“Yes,” a raspy voice said. “This is all your fault.”

The voice…? It can’t be…?

Felix suddenly sat up straight, his blue eyes showing absolute disgust at me. I wanted to say sorry, but my voice just won’t work. My body just won’t move.

As fast as a snake who saw its victim his hand was on my neck, slowly choking me to death.

“Fe…lix…I’m…sorry.” I started to apologize, the tears kept on dripping out of my eyes.

Felix’s lips were set on a thin line. I can’t read his expression, but I know that he definitely hates me, a lot.

He slowly squeezed his hand around my neck tighter, making me try to gasp for air.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it honey.”

I woke up, cold sweat was slithering down my face. My heart felt heavy as my mind replayed what Felix said.

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