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Okay okay! Just kill me with potatoes! (rotten ones, not the fresh ones) I'm really sorry for not updating when I promised I will update about three days ago! I wasn't entirely in the correct mood to write it *cries*. To write TCBP I need to stay positive, have a good night's sleep and stress-free at the moment. For the past three days I've been busy and not in the correct mood to write down the next awesome chapter.

So I tried using music to write down the idea in my head the other day. Then my stupid cellphone played "Say Something by Christina Aguilera feat A Great Big World". And BOOM, instant senti mode TT-TT

And I remembered the scene that popped in my head that I thought for Chapter X. For those who I haven't spoiled with my spoilers, Chapter X is like the epilogue. Yes readers, you read it right. There will be an EPILOGUE.

If you saw one of my comments I said (typed) there will be 11 chapters or more before the actual proposal which will be on Chapter X. In chapter X everything will be absolutely different, and all of them will be ADULTS.

So for those who are wishing for babies within the characters, it MIGHT happen. Ask @QueenMaleficent she knows what will happen between Lorcan and Febs already. To Felix and Remy AND DARREN? It's mine to keep ;)

So yeah I'm really sorry guys! I really want to update but I'm busy (but not busy enough to write Chapter X *winks*)

Here it is, a little sneak peak to Chapter X! (This will be up for a little until I got to publish Chapter 3. This huge mega SPOILER will only be my special treat to those first few people who loved my story to bits! Especially you Blaisse dudes! This story won't exist without you ^____^  )

Oh and just to be not so spoiler spoiled. I'll take out some chunks of the sneak peek okay?


I opened up my wooden cabinet and looked at the contents in it. The old t-shirts, pants and shoes started to make me feel nostalgic. Tears start brimming my eyes while I try to take some of my clothes for the trip. As Dr. Geronimo I'm being assigned to Africa for a one month medical mission. I'll be able to help all of those malnourished kids over there. It's a very nice feeling, but opening up my cabinet to take some of my old clothes with me, it just reminds me of *removed due to too much spoiler!*

Especially that day when I just *removed because there will be no thrill anymore!*

While furiously rubbing my eyes I took two of my favorite shirts and one of my pants. Just to remind me about the *secret!*

My finger was already on the zipper of the suitcase when someone knocked at the door.

"Hey Remy? Can I come in?" A *secret!* asked, a voice that I've heard for more than a million times.

"Yes, you can come in." I replied, quickly stashing my panties that were on the floor under my bed. Very mature of me, I know. But I don't want some *kind person* looking at my undergarments.

*Secret! Secret! Secret!* went into my room. *Gender secrecy!* *hair color secret!* hair was gelled to prevent sticking to all directions and *Gender secret!* was wearing *gender secret!* *removed because there was an error but I'm so lazy to retype XD*

"Finished packing up I assume?"  *gender secret!* asked while taking a quick glance on my battered up suitcase. I shook my head and looked away from *gender secret!* mesmerizing *color secret!* eyes.

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