Chapter 04: Rumours Are Dangerous

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So I’m now at the front seat in Darren’s car. A guy who claims to know me from the past. And also the ex-boyfriend of my ex-friend, the ex-friend who always get my blood boiling whenever we cross fates in school.

And now I’m going to school with her ex-boyfriend.

Not to mention that they just recently broke up.

Totally not a good move Remy. It’s definitely not a good move.

“Um, Darren?” I asked, my throat feeling dry. He took a quick glance at me after taking a U-turn to the left. I shifted my position when I looked at his light brown eyes. It’s like he’s seeing through me. Which is very disturbing.

“Yeah?” he asked with a smile.

“Don’t you think…uh…” I stammered, my tongue in knots. Why can’t I talk straight? Is it because of this guy’s presence?

Or is it because I did known him before?

“It’s about Cherry isn’t it?”

I almost bit my tongue when he got to hit the bull’s eye. His smile widened inch by inch as I stared at him in awe.


“You’re obviously going to ask that question. I can read you like an open book Rainbow.” He laughed while stopping at the stop light. “Then you’ll get annoyed when I get to read you easily. Like now, you’re probably thinking how annoying I am.”

Damn, this guy is good.

Maybe he really was a person from my past.

But if I try to remember, I’ll remember Joe. And I don’t want to remember all the trauma and pain that I went through with that guy.

Then again Darren is not Joe, so…there’s nothing wrong in remembering a childhood friend from a traumatic childhood…I think?

“I’ll take care of you. I never break promises.” He replied. Making me remember about the incident yesterday. With me running away and all that cowardly stuff.

“If you were a childhood friend of mine…” I start to ask. My hands were clasped together, my palms sweating like crazy. “Then why did you approached me only now?”

The stop light turned green and he started to drive again. I was anticipating for his answer when he didn’t even talked for a minute. Yes, I counted it.

I think I almost dozed off when he finally spoke. “Well, I was going to talk to you years ago.”

“But?” I asked, while I try my best not to yawn.

“But you were with Felix.” He replied flatly his face having this sudden bored expression. As if he’s telling me that being with Felix was the worst feeling in the whole universe.

“I felt guilty about his accident,” I explain. “It was partly my fault.”

The way I said that made me look like I was defending Felix. Well if he didn’t had this hateful look on his eyes whenever Felix is mentioned I might not speak up for the guy. He did creepily took stolen drawings of my face (and I haven’t forgiven him for that but I’m his present friend. I know all his favourites and hates. I know how he loves his coffee in the morning, which books he often reads every day and how many times he loves replaying those old episodes of Spongebob.

Oops, I wasn’t supposed to mention that but I just know him too well.

Too well in my opinion.

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