[04] Love's Striking Blade

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Lisa's POV

The rest of the lunch was purely uneventful; full of Chaeng being oddly kind and Jennie being very silent. Jisoo was her usual 4D self which was a nice contrast to the other two. I couldn't help but feel there was something off between Jennie and Chaeng but just couldn't figure out what it was. It seemed like something had hurt their friendship and the young girl didn't know what it was at all.

I checked my schedule and sighed as I'd be heading to my next class, luckily it was one I was rather excited about: dance class. I started her way there, leaving the table silently and hoping they wouldn't protest. Lucky for me, Chaeng just called out a goodbye and headed off as well. I let my head fall down to look at my feet as I took in another sigh. This was going to be a hard change and I knew it. A tap on my shoulder caused my head to jolt up and look at the foreign presence. Her beautiful face came into view and caused me to place a small smile on my lips. Does she wish to speak now? Jennie Kim... My unnie... She's so insanely beautiful... Shit, Lice get this out of your head. I mentally slapped myself as I let my eyes examine her entire body and explore every inch of her, finally resting on her face and those perfect lips.

She must have caught me eyeing her because she blushed and looked away. "Uh, Lisa... What class uhm... where are y-you heading?" She asked, her voice being music to my ears. I could've just melted into that voice. Wait what are you doing? You fucking idiot... You've only met her yesterday. You can't think like this. Besides; you're straight. You're as straight as they come... You like men. Guys. Guys are hot... Not her... Not those perfect lips, deep brown pools for eyes, perfect jaw, and adorable nose... Not that wonderful figure, perfect hips, amazing legs... Nothing... Not her... You like men you stupid, stupid- "-Lisa?"

I looked back up into her eyes, those deep pools that I'd love to swim in for hours, and my eyes widened. I realized it had been a while of me eyeing her again and I hadn't replied. You idiot... "Ah, uh sorry... I-I... I'm heading to dance..." I mumbled, the air between us as awkward as this morning. Her eyes lit up and it sent a chill down my spine. I hadn't seen her like this... She seemed... Excited? Her eyes scrunched slightly and she giggled happily. God, is she cute... FUCK LISA STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!  I shook my head and tilted it at the goddess before me.

"Me too!" She practically screamed to the entire hall, allowing some heads to turn and look at her. Great. Just what I didn't want: attention. But, she seemed so happy compared to earlier and I couldn't deny that this change wasn't welcome. Even if I didn't know her, I wanted her to be happy. Purely happy and genuine so I just smiled at her, that gummy smile she wielded able to slay me if given the chance. I just listened to her soft giggle as we made our way to the gym where the dances were taught. 

The room was expansive and full of many students; mostly women but some men too. At the back corner was a single lady with a proud smile as she watched the class fill in. It didn't take me much thought to reason that she was the teacher and was excited to see us all there. She scanned the room happily and checked her watch. Jennie and I made our way to a small empty patch on the floor and stood in a comfortable silence as we looked up to the dance instructor.

"annyeong, I'm  Bae Ju Hyun and I'm your dance instructor for the semester. I hope that you all are dedicated and have at least some experience as this class will be intense and in depth." She announced to us and I only nodded, a small smirk on my lips as dance was a huge part of my life and I did have very much experience.

She started off the class by playing some catchy music and showing us some moves, instructing that we follow her moves and mirror them. I had to admit that they were fairly easy moves and I matched them easily, letting my body follow her and my mind drift to sleep as dance controlled me. I zoned out and let my body do the talking for me. I hadn't noticed Instructor Bae stop and my eyes widened as those several pairs of eyes landed on me and I came to a stop, many of their mouths agape and I looked down and swiftly apologized.

Bittersweet {Discontinued}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt