[07] Midnight Rendezvous

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Lisa's POV

After watching her run out and cursing myself, I just curled into a ball on my bed and buried my face in my knees. It's better this way, right? If they stay away... I won't hurt them any more than I already have... I thought to myself and sniffled. Wait... Am I crying? Fucking hell Manoban... Woman up. Get some strength... Ugh... You're so weak... I scolded myself as the tears fell faster, my cheeks puffing up. I was so ugly when I cried... Just a fucking mess.

I heard a soft creek in the room but shook it off as I figured it was just how the building was old. I took in another deep breath before the tears fell like a tsunami. A flood. I was balling into my knees. Alone. But, that's when I felt it. I felt familiar arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me close to their body. Slowly, I looked up to meet those deep pools that not too long ago I was looking in with lust.

"Hey, I've got you..." She whispered and stroked my head. I shook my head and cried harder, trying to resist how much I wanted her to hold me.

"N-no..." I barely was able to whisper. The beauty just looked at me with shock in her eyes. 

"Yes, Lisa. I'm here. I'm here for you. I've got you and I'm not going anywhere."

"Y-you... You're just like them..." I spoke between my sobs and finally built up enough strength or courage to pull away.  I just needed to get away from her.

"Like who, Lisa?"

"Jennie... You're just like all of them... You all are just these... These rich kids... Privileged rich kids who think, who believe that they can do or have what they want and it just happens. You're one of them!" She froze and looked at me, her brow furrowing.

"Is that what you think?"

"You claimed me as yours. I made a joke and then... I let you be that entitled little bitch... I let you... Ugh... I'm such a fucking weak..." I couldn't finish my sentence as I began to sob again, now standing in the middle of the floor.

"Sure. I claimed you as mine. I brought you to your bedroom and almost fucked you. I almost did... Almost. But you didn't say no... In fact, you practically begged me to!" She defended.

"Yes! That's the problem! I let you! I'm weak! Jennie... I'm straight, okay!" She froze, sitting on my bed, her eyes now looking down at the bed.

"I-I see..." She mumbled, her voice cracking. It didn't take a genius to understand that she was now crying as well.

"J-Jennie..." I took a step closer, she stood and looked into my eyes. Her burning dark pools of passion changed. They had... Hatred... Fear... Something between the two.

"No, Lalisa... You don't need to say anything. I get it... I-"

"-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you... Or to Chaeng... Fuck... I... I think you should go... You Jisoo and Rose have a friendship that I'm only ruining after a single fucking day. It's best if I am just that loner new girl... Gone from you guys... Just her roommate. Nothing more. Cut me out of your life... It's-"



"I said, no, Lisa. I'm not letting you do that to yourself. You said I'm like 'them'. And you also make her run to Jisoo crying. What the fuck did you do to her? What I did to you? Did you tell her what we did?"

"No! For fuck's sake, Jennie... She told me she loved me. Love at first sight is some bullshit that was made up... She thinks she felt that for me. I told her, love doesn't exist. I then told her I was straight. She ran. I... I did nothing to her, Jennie. I love that I'm the bad guy. Fuck..." I let myself slump back down onto the bed, her now looking down on me once again.

"Who hurt you...?" She whispered, her eyes back to that pure and loving deepness.

"Why do you care? You are just like them... As beautiful and... Perfect you are... I see it... I see it... That- Ugh I do not have to explain myself to some pretentious asshole like you. Just please, why won't you leave?"

"Because you don't really want me to. If you did, you would have pushed me out... You may think you know me, but Lalisa Manoban, you are very wrong."

"Jennie, it's late. I'm tired. I haven't slept. You teased me. I've been crying. I just want to fucking sleep!"

"Fine! Let's sleep!" She yelled back and pushed me back onto the bed so I was now laying. I looked at her in shock as she shut the door- no slammed the door and turned off the lights. I was left to only listening in the pitch darkness as she made her way back to me. She moved on top of me once again, but this time, she laid her head on my chest and nuzzled into me, wrapping her legs around mine. "Goodnight... Please, sleep some... It's late..." She mumbled, sending chills down my spine. I felt her pull the blankets over us and I could only stare into the darkness in shock.

"J-Jennie?" She hummed a response. "W-why are you doing this?"

"Because you need it... Just as much as I do..." She answered, nuzzling her face into my neck. I could feel her smile and if I was honest, it made me smile. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and held her close, smiling back.

"You're such a liar..." I shook my head.

"Says the one who thinks they are straight..." Jennie shot back without hesitation, making me only laugh at her words. She has a point, Lisa... I shook my head slightly. But, with what happened... It might be better if you believe in yourself... Think you are straight... It'll be easier on your heart... And other's hearts too...

Okay, I know this chapter is a bit shorter, but my last update was 3 in 24 hours so I think it's fine. I feel like this chapter was a bit... Lesser than my other chapters but it's a filler in all honesty. It is setting up more than you can believe. I hope you're liking it so far,

Love, Athena "Abadah" Kate.

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