"Talk about movies," she said.

"And, and, create stuff about it!" Ethan said. Robey gave him another thumbs up.

"You can come over to my house if ya wanna play," Oscar said.

"Oscar stop saying play, we're not 4 yaknow," Kiki said.

"What else am I supposed to say? You know what we do, and it's totally, play!" Oscar said.

Robey signed 'rhyme' in ASL, although nobody understood him. His translator was out for the moment.

"Well whatever it may be, it should be rather fun to try," Ball said timidly.

"It's an honor. But you'll have to keep up," Kiki said.

"I am fast," Ball said defensively. It made the kids laugh.

"How fast can you be with those stick legs?" Kiki asked.

"I outran Agren!" Ball said.

"Who's t-that?" Ethan asked.

"He...is a JERK! A stupid big moron who likes to hurt people for no good reason!" Ball burst. She stomped on the table a little.

"Ball don't thrash around. It's rude," Oscar said matter a factly with a pointer finger up.

"Sorry Oscar, but Agren can not get away with what he has done! It makes me so...enraged!"

"Maybe y-yo..u..." Ethan trailed off.

"Go ahead Ethan, we're all ears," Oscar said.

"Maybe you could draw it. It always makes me and Robey feel better," Ethan said.

"It does not sound like a bad idea, but I think I would rather take action on my anger and confront him!" Ball said.

"But Ball! Didn't you say that Agren beat up David? If you confront him them I'm sure he'll just try to bash your face in," Oscar said.

"Yeah, you wanna get your face bashed in?" Kiki asked.

"No. But he does need justice to be served.... Somehow," Ball got less excited.

"There's really nothing we can do about bullies here. The school is so lazy that they can't even get a kid expelled. We just have to expect it and move on," Kiki stated the harsh truth, it was her specialty.

"Instead maybe we should just play a game. How about angels and demons?" Oscar tried to change the subject.

"S-s-ure! But I wanna be an demon this time," Ethan said.

For the rest of art class the band of freshman played their drawing games. (Angels and demons being a game in which a player must humorously draw and change a situation for good, or for bad).

During the last couple of periods Ball could only think about how David was doing and how excited Oscar would be to meet Rocky. With the 2 different types of interesting thought, it also gave her 2 types of outlook and mood. For the most part she was quiet.

Every new person she met that wasn't giddy to see her made her nervous.

Do they think I'm here to harm them? Please do not think that! I am just as confused as you!

In reality, if she didn't want to talk with a questionable new person, she would simply say so.

"I do not wish to speak for the moment," She would say, especially if they ever asked about the sound.

"She's a little in the dumps, so excuse her," Oscar would say. The last period of the day, 8th, Ball had become more lighthearted and giddy. When they exited the class Oscar had already noticed. She was swaying back and forth and couldn't keep from smiling. Oscar copied this action to attempt to share in the feeling.

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