Let's Go Beaches (Part One)

ابدأ من البداية

We sat for hours as he poured his drunk, broken heart out. I simply held him reassuring him just how amazing he was. I reminded him of everything that he has done not only for me but for Sunny and Tim. I reminded him of my sexual assault and how he left work despite knowing he would get written up, to drive an hour to the hospital to make sure I was okay. He cried and held me, blaming himself. At that point I started crying, not because I was upset because this great man blamed himself and he honestly deserves the world. It was early dawn when we both passed out in each others arms on my bed from exhaustion.

I feel a hand on my knee and I jump and find Wes glancing between the road and I, " Are you okay?"

I smile, my heart pounding in my ribcages as I look at his face etched with concern. Placing my hand on top of his, I give it a small squeeze, "Never better."

Four hours and three stops later we finally made it to Tim's beach house. With a groan I hop out of the Jeep stretching my arms above my head. The sun is high in the sky and the warmth licks against each of us with a small breeze brushing across our skin. My back cracks and I sigh in content. With a yawn, I look at the beach house.

It is nothing extravagant but it indeed is beautiful.

It is nothing extravagant but it indeed is beautiful

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Let's unpack. There should be plenty of food and alcohol considering Brian's family was here last week." Tim nods. We all grab our suitcases and follow Tim. He unlocks the door and pushes it open with his foot and flicks on the light.

The inside is simple and beautiful. . The dinning room to the left leads into the kitchen. According to Tim, the home includes 4 large bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. The living room offers incredible views ocean as the windows were designed to where when one is sitting down it appears one is in a boat.  The kitchen offers plenty of cabinet space and granite countertops. that then leads to the large deck that is perfect for grilling, sunbathing, and enjoying the cool breezes off the ocean.

"Each of us get our own room. Y'all go ahead and can pick your rooms awhile. I am going to get situated and make sure everything is okay."

I immediately take up off the steps. As we were planning our trip Tim said the second room on the right was connected to the balcony. I wanted that bedroom. I nearly trip up the stairs causing Sunny and I to die of laughter. As I reach the room I drop my stuff and grab the handle.

" I call the balcony room!"

"Dammnit" Sunny swears with a laugh. "Fine I will take this one." She pushes into the room that is across from me. "Get unpacked and lets get to the beach!"

I laugh and open the door and shut it behind me. Inside is beautiful. There is a tv stand to the left of the inside and a white painted dresser to the right of the door. The bed in directly in front, next to a cute nightstand that is decorate with seashells and sand dollars. There is a "closet" along the wall that connects to the bathroom. By closet I mean it had rods and shelving and little shoe racks.

Immediately dropping my suitcases beside the bed, I crawl onto the bed spreading my arms as I sink into the blankets. The coolness feels amazing against my skin and I sigh.

A knock at the door send my heart jumping out of my chest. I sit up startled. "Jesus!"

Wes laughs from the other side of the door, "Are you decent?"


The door opens and Wes steps through the doorway, "Good, so the plan is to spend the day at the beach and tonight we are going to chill here if thats okay with you guys. We can walk the boardwalk in the evening. Tomorrow though..." He pauses with a smirk, " We shall be getting wasted."

I roll my eyes with a grin, "So over dramatic but that sounds good, I definitly want to go to the boardwalk."

"Good then get changed." He starts to walk out but pauses turning back towards me, "Don't forgot to put on sunscreen."

"Thanks mom." He chuckles and shuts the door. I toss my suitcase on the bed and open it. After digging to the bottom I pull out two swimsuits.

I debate between a white layered ruffle halter top with a high-rise floral ruched bikini and a white and yellow sunflower bikini. I am not fat but I definitely have extremely thick thighs and a gut. My legs and stomach are lined with stretch mark and scars. There are times when my depression becomes so bad that I end up self-harming. I know it isn't a healthy coping mechanism but at that moment I do not care. I have been clean for at least a month and honestly I am so proud of myself.

Hmmm... I end up deciding on the white and flower high-rise bikini. Stripping I pull on my swimsuit and stand in front of the full length mirror as I pull my hair back into a ponytail.

I run my fingers against the scars that line the tops of my thighs. Many are thick and meaty while other are small simple lines. There are older scars that are almost invisible but there are newer ones that are still pink.

I grab my sunscreen and pull on my white sundress. Slipping on flip-flops I skip downstairs. Tim, Wes and Sunny stand on the back deck with towels and a cooler. Wes turns his head making eye contact. He smiles as I push open the back door.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Let's go!" I shout earning a yip from Tim. Sunny hoots after him and suddenly we are all barreling down the deck stairs and across towards the ocean. The entire time we howl with laugh as we struggle to run across the sand. As we reach closer, we find a spot and lay out the blankets and settle our stuff down.

I pull off my sundress, pouring sunscreen into my hand. I manage to cover every part but I struggle to cover my back. My back always burns the worst and I would not like to get sun poison on this trip. As I go to ask Sunny for help, I turn right into Wes.

Gasping, I look up meeting his piercing green eyes. His hair is a little disheveled and up close I realize he needs to trim up his beard. I stare at his lips. They seems to look very kissable at this moment.

"Do you need help?"

My breathe hitches in my chest and I meet his gaze once more. His eyes are full of emotion yet I cannot tell what he is thinking. My heart is pounding in my chest and my stomach feels queasy. The thought of his hands against my bare skin gives me shivers. I nod unable to find my voice.

He takes the sunscreen from my hand and turns me around by the shoulders. When the coolness of the sunscreen and the warmth of his hand caresses my bare back, I shudder with pleasure. Closing my eyes, I relish in the feeling on Wes's hands. They rub against my mid back before rubbing over both of my shoulder with the perfect amount of pressure. I sigh in content.

"You have a lot of knots in your back sweetheart." His voice is barely a whisper in my ear. I just nod. His hands runs down my backside and over my lower back before his hands dip slightly below my swimsuit. I gasp and turn towards him. With our bodies so close I feel his hard erection through his swimsuit. The idea of myself turning him on sends a shock right to my core.

Then I suddenly remember where I am. I look around to see if Tim or Sunny had seen us but both of them were kicking their way into the ocean. I clear my throat, stepping back awkwardly chewing on my lip.

"W-We should probably uh- go out there with them." I mumble, sending a nod out towards Tim and Sunny. He stays silent but I can tell he wants to say something. Instead he silently nods and reaches for his football only to walk away without another word.

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