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"Why are you calling?" Odette walked down the stairs of the main lecture hall. Her books tightly held between her arm and stomach, her phone in her other hand.

"Just checking up on you. Have your injuries healed yet?" Odette looked over her arm and saw nothing of the scrapes that were there the days before.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What are you doing?" in the background, the sound of wind and leaves blowing through it. He was outside.

"Oh, you know, just digging up my mother's corporal body."

She shrugged as she stepped down another step, "sounds like a normal day in Mikaelson land."

"Have yo-" Klaus's call got interrupted as Odette tripped over nothing, tumbling down the small part of the stairs left, before landing on her chin on the ground. She immediately started to rummage around to find her study books, before even bothering to check up on herself.

"Hey, you okay?!" a worried voice from next to her, she felt her chin and looked at her bloodied and scraped fingers. A real waste of Klaus's blood.

"Sure, yeah, I'm fine." The man reached his ebony hand out to her and she took it, forcing a small bolt to fly through her. She got back up on her feet and looked at him questioningly. Not everyone with the witch gene knew they were a witch, she didn't need to force this man into the supernatural world.

"Thank you so much." He smiled at her, his hair short and well groomed with a matching beard and small mustache. His eyes a dark brown, almost black.

Odette picked up her books and then found her phone, the screen was broken entirely, but Klaus was still trying to talk to her on the other side.


She sighed, "calm down, Nik. I'm fine. I just fell down the stairs and horribly embarrassed myself."

"Are you hurt?"

"Just bust my chin open. I'll take care of it, a guy is helping me out, I'll be fine."

On the other side, Klaus frowned, "A guy?"

"Don't be jealous Niklaus, it doesn't suit your whole 'I don't care' attitude. You just get back to what you were doing, I'll see you."


She interrupted him, "Nik, please. I'm okay."

"Alright, see you tonight." She clicked away the call, a tiny shard of glass entered her finger in the process. She looked back at the man who had just helped her out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Odette, thank you so much." She extended her hand to introduce herself, he took it. "Vincent. It's alright. I was here anyway."

Odette held her sleeve to her bleeding chin tightly, she felt the blood soak through the thin, white fabric.

"Vincent, it's a familiar name, is it not?"

The man smirked, "I think I might know one of your friends."

"Which one?" Odette frowned, everything depended on his answer to this simple question. There was a difference between her friends, the ones that were dangerous and the ones that weren't.

A smile, "oh! You're that Vincent, Cami told me about you. You've been tutoring her on psychology right?"

He nodded in return and started to pace in his place.

"Yes I have been, she is a very good student. During the day I work here, at the university."

"I've never seen you here before, but I'm also not doing anything psychology related." Vincent looked at her, from top to bottom and then focused on her chin.

I'LL REMEMBER APRIL // KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now