7 - Embarassment

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It has been three days, that Erwin hit his heat all of a sudden and invited Levi to his nest. This whole time Hanji stayed with them to watch Levi on one hand, that he doesn't do anything Erwin might have demanded in his current state, but didn't really wanted and on the other hand to provide them both with water and food, when needed. Mike was still like a wolf in a cage. He would casually walk the hall up and down and growl to himself. The male wasn't all too fond of the idea, that Levi was with his friend right now, but once Erwin wants something he usually manages to get it. Besides Mike had no saying in this after his actions from before.
"How could I? I almost.... Shit. Your damned sweet smell Erwin."

Very quietly and very cautious Levi leaves the small room, in which Erwin sleeps soundly right now. His black hair is a mess, his clothes are drenched from sweat, mostly, his pants hang open and loose on his hips. Hanji stares at him and tries to muffle a laughter behind her hands.
"One word and you won't be able to sit for weeks."
His eyes gleam as they threaten her, but he himself is too exhausted to actually start a fight. He could sleep with Erwin in that room, but it is way too warm and too stuffy in there. The thick omega scent won't let him rest and he doesn't want to rut right now or he would do something they both would regret later. Levi was surprised actually how much he was able to hold himself back, besides the begging of Erwin. It filled him with so much lust to hear his deep hoarse voice as he pleads for more and his face. The stoic handsome face of the squad leader with the always neatly combed hair all in a mess. Red, sweaty and oh so tempting. Levi grunts as he can feel his alpha raging and begging to mess this leader up even more to make him scream out from pleasure, but he can't.
"How much longer?"
"I think two days at max. Don't worry Levi, you are doing a great job."
"Hmm, he is just a real pain in the ass."
"Pffff oh is he?"
Hanji's bright laughter fills the room for a moment before they go an silent again.
"How did he managed this until now? Seriously, I have never seen an omega in this bad shape."
Levi stares at the ceiling as he slowly regains a bit of what you could call normal temperature and a way clearer mind.
"Let me think, but if I am not wrong then it is the first time ever since the trainee days, that he has been in such an awful state. This can't only be the cause of the changed receipt from his suppressants."
Hanji falls quiet as she starts to think about Erwins situation.
"Those suppressants," Levi starts again deep in thoughts as well, "omegas take to control their heats and urges right?"
Hanji hums a yes as a reply not really feeling the need to say anything more to that. They both are disturbed as Mike walks in without announcing himself first.
"I think I have a solution, if anything like this happens again and for eventual tests of your researches."
The woman and the short alpha look at each other in surprise, before Levi squints his eyes together to small sits. He hisses through his teeth and adds a little growl as he talks to Mike.
"You shouldn't be in here."
Mike rolls his eyes and grows back at Levi.
"This is important and don't think I can't control myself to at least this extent. Erwin is a friend that needs help."
The tension in the air is high and you could almost slice through it.
"That's why I am here. To help him. Get lost."
Both alphas are now growling edgy at one another. Levi can't stand Mike ever since he had forced him down into that dirty puddle. It took ages before Levi felt clean enough again. Hanji stands up and tries to ease the air a bit.
"Ah my. You will show us once we are all clean in our heads again yes Mike? What did you found anyway?"
Mike ignores the little growling alpha, that kills him with his eyes and looks happily at Hanji instead.
"It's a small hut just some minutes on horseback away from here. It's a bit hidden in the woods and just perfect for Erwin."
"Oh my that really sounds wonderful."
She looks behind her and sees Levi still being very tense and decides to send Mike away again. It's the peak of the heat and with Erwin having decided to have Levi by his side, Levi's alpha is in a high protecting state.
"Why don't you clean that hut a bit and get some things there, like blankets and pillows?"
One last glare at Levi and Mike is gone again, but Levi was still feeling very edgy and grumbles and growls. Now he was annoyed with himself for reacting like that and letting his alpha control him. For sure Erwin would push him away once he sobered up. He knows this is just a one time thing and that Erwin, so far, is successfully hiding his omega from everyone and will get back to that again. That he is here is just mere coincidence. That's what he wants to think, what he really feels is the urge to make Erwin his own omega. Levi can't sink more into this hoe of thinking hearing and smelling Erwins need for him. Just like a good alpha would do to help his omega through the heat, he rolls off the bed and gets back into stuffy heat of the chamber, that is filled with the heavy smell of omega. It still takes Erwin another day and a half, before he comes back to his senses and his heat being over.

As soon as he opens his eyes he feels worn out, hungry and in grave need for a shower and change of clothes, but there is something else that triggers his nose; the smell of alpha. His memories are fuzzy, but he knows that it wasn't Mike, who has been there with him and he doesn't feel like he has been marked. Erwins mind is working slowly, when he steps out of the chamber with his hair sticking to his forehead and his shirt being drenched from his sweat. He looks right into the face of Levi. Hanji had left to get a bowl with water, where erwin can clean himself a bit before he heads to the showers.
Erwin doesn't move as he tries to put into context why Levi is here. A slight panic rises in him.
"I haven't done anything to you, so you should be fine with taking a shit."
Levi tries to stay untouched, but conform Erwin at the same time. Slowly he starts to feel weird and awkward the longer Erwin isn't saying anything.
Thats the only reaction Erwin is able to make. After years of not getting into a heat, he isn't used to the slow reaction time he is facing right now. His memories come back bit by bit, the longer he stays awake and the more he remembers the more embarrassed he feels.
"Erwin! Ah I am so glad we have you back. Woah Levi help me."
Hanji comes in with a big bowl of handwarm water, that almost falls down when she sees Erwin. Grumbling to himself Levi stands up and goes to help Hanji.
"I'm not helping you, I just don't want to clean the mess you could make. And you Mr. Squad leader I will help you to clean up. Can't leave you be looking like a shitty rat drowned in a puddle."
Levi scoffs and puts the bowl down beside the bed.
"Levi I... "
"Shut up. Leave the talk for later."
As annoyed as he may look like, Levi is very gently with Erwin. So much, that Erwin relaxes while his body gets cleaned and for some reason, he is not feeling ashamed of it. With his control not being fully back his omega still got the upper hand and enjoys the care the little alpha gives him.
"Thank you Levi."
Erwins voice is soft and a slight purring sound swings in it as well, but that is gone soon again.
"Hey Erwin, Mike might have found a place for us to test your pills and to keep you safe in case this happens again."
Hanji tries to inform Erwin already about the news and she just opens her mouth to go on what has happened work related in these past days, but she earns a deathly glare by Levi which makes her shut up at once.
"Ahaha well I think we talk later about this. I'll get you some food."
With that she walks out to the kitchen to get some stomach filling food for the Omega.
"Don't thank me again. You owe me some explanations omega. I'll see you later in your office."
Erwin can only watch Levi leaving. His heart feels heavy at this, but he doesn't think too much into it and just flops back on the bed, trying to recollect and process all that has happened in these past days until Hanji gets back with the food.

The Alpha in the Omega (EruRi omegaverse )Where stories live. Discover now