6 - A Look Into The Past 1

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One may think, that Erwin Smith's father was a splendid alpha, strong and intelligent, but he was just a normal human being with a high intelligence. He wasn't an alpha nor an omega, but he himself learned quite a few things about omegas during his life. When he was young he had the dream to become someone big, that can change the little world they live in. However things went a bit different for the blue eyed blonde, than he himself expected. He found the joy in teaching young ambitious children about the world they live in even if he wasn't able to teach them all he knows and discovered over the years. For ten years he established himself as a history teacher inside wall rose, but he never showed any interest for any woman around him, even if some were interested in him.

Wall Sina was known to be the residence of the aristocrats, the rich merchants, the King and his advisors. The capital of the city, always busy and always wasting money and resources just for their entertainment. One of these was the family Muller, a rich family living in a huge house. A merchant with his wife and two children, who just hit the age to go to school. However Mrs. Muller wasn't satisfied with the schools in her surroundings and she had heard rumors about a young and very talented teacher. She didn't wasted any time and invited him to her home to see if the rumors are true and if he is fit as a private teacher for her children.
Mrs. Muller was an omega of a fine breed and got beautiful children, two handsome sons, both intelligent and skilled. However ever since the birth of her second child, her husband left her alone ever so often. He is busy with his buisness as he says, but she doesn't mind it as long as she can keep on living this expensive life.
One day she sends for this one teacher to educate her sons. None of them, not her not the teacher know yet, that this encounter changes their whole life.

The more time Mr. Smith spends with the family the more he comes to talk with Mrs. Muller and he discovers, that she is a brilliant person and shouldn't be locked up in a huge house to only care for the children. Both of them fall in love with each other and the times he is staying at her house become longer and longer. She starts to be happy again and everyday she prepares some well brewed tea and self made cake. Some quiet rumors among the housemaids start to go around, but it was nothing out of the ordinary and Mr. Muller doesn't care for it as long as their affair stays platonic like this.
One day, however, Mrs. Muller went into her heat and thrived for anyone to take care of it. Ever since she gave birth to her little ones, her husband hasn't touched her at all, which makes her now even more vulnerable to the desire of her heat.
Of course Mr. Smith is there to that time as well to teach the children. For two days he wasn't able to see her, but on the third day he was way too worried to just go again and makes a grave decision. He visits her private Chambers.

"Please, I can't take this anymore." Her fingers dig into his sleeve as he kneels beside her bed. She is covered in sweat, her light brown hair is sticking to her forehead and her eyes are clouded.
"I can't do this. I love you, but I can't, not with you in this state."
Her chuckle is dry and despite her need her eyes look sad. She had a strong mind and is fighting the urge she feels deep within her as best as she can, but the more he is with her the more she wants him. Mr. Smith is a beta and so he shouldn't be that attractive to her and he clearly isn't, not for the Omega in her, but she loves this man in front of her and she craves for his touch for so long already.
"Please. I want you and only you my heart."

Nine month later a cute little boy with blonde fine hair was born. This little one was her on and only, but he had to give him away. Her whole pregnancy was a secret and her husband threatened her to leave her with nothing behind in the streets for her and her child to die of starving, if she would cling on that child. She managed to safe the live of her child and her lover by convincing her husband, that she won't see him nor his boy ever again. The pain of giving her boy away with such blue shining eyes, damaged her heart. It is not know if she is still alive or not. No one has seen her ever since.
The little boy was named Erwin and his father raised him single handedly. Mr. Smith soon noticed, that Erwin was an omega and he tried to teach his son what it means to be an omega and how to accept it. It is natural, that the pups inhabit their mothers gene, when an alpha or an omega breeds with a beta. If an omega and an alpha breed they can be mixed, but normally they would be alphas as well, if the alpha genes are stronger than the Omega ones. So Erwin, as a child of a beta and an omega, had only a one percent chance to become an beta as well.
Mr. Muller was not following his wives wish. He was searching for the two of them to let them both vanish from this world.
Erwin inhabits his father's mind and the intelligence of his mother. He was a curious child, that wanted to know all he could and while taking lessons in class with his father as teacher, he discovers flaws in the history of their land. That is the time when his father decides to let Erwin know a secret, but he wasn't aware how carefree Erwin was. The child didn't knew, that he can't trust everyone he calls a friend and one day they betrayed him and went to military. The first brigade took care of Mr. Smith in cowork with Mr. Muller. Originally they wanted to eliminate the child as well, but a rich breeder budged in.
His name was Carven. He was one, that was known to breed the best alphas for the military. Strong, intelligent, fearless, traits he trains them in and he wanted Erwin. He had discovered in a short questioning of the boy what he might be capable of, if trained right. And so Erwin Smith, an omega, came to a breeder and was raised amongst alphas to become who he is now through rough and harsh years of training. He learned that it is best to hide his true nature and he learned how to subdue his urges as an omega until he meets Levi.

The death of his father left a huge open wound in him, that he wasn't able to close. His father meant the world to him and until now he blames himself for being naive and telling such a secret to a 'friend' and most of all he blames himself for being an omega, that is of no use for anyone. His young mind started to reject his nature and develop a strong inner wish to become a fighter and accomplish his father's goal. He didn't had much time to mourn over his deceased father, nor did he had time to wonder about his mother.
His father had told him, that he isn't able to see her and that he should forget that she existed for his own good. He can't imagine what would have happened if he would have looked for her. Maybe he would be killed off as well? Maybe not? Maybe she didn't wanted him? Erwin was never able to find an answer to these questions, but he stopped asking them. He grew a certain hatred towards her and her family, especially after he has seen her husband shortly after his father's death.
Mr. Craven took him in and he overheard their conversation, making Erwin hate them both.

"Mr. Craven this child won't be of any use to you. He is an omega, what will you do about his weak nature?"
"As I said earlier, this child has an outstanding intelligent. You solemnly see such these days and trained the right way, he can become of great use for us."
"Tch he is better off dead, I tell you."
"You are just pissed, because he is an illegal child. Do you fear him?"
"Whaaat? Are you nuts? I am not afraid of an omega child! He can't do anything! No one knows about his connection to my family and if you speak a word I will let you share his father fate."
"HAHAHA no need to threaten me like that. I have no use of anyone trying to harm you with that information. I will train the boy and if he fails me once, he will serve as toy for my alphas. It's only a win win situation right here. The threat for us, his father, is taken out and the boy won't talk once he goes through my training. Besides he will be out of your sight."
Both man finally settle their argument and the training of Erwin can beging. Either to turn him into a splendid alpha or to make him a toy for them.

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