Seduction 21

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As promised, there is going to be SO much drama coming up! Here is the chapter that starts it all off!

"So whose party is this again?" Chanyeol asks Sehun as they walk down the street. Both of them are dressed casual in jeans and a simple tee, ready for a party Sehun has somehow got them invited to.

Sehun rolls his eyes. "That spoilt brat who is supposedly friends with our boyfriends."

"Jongin?" Chanyeol asks. Sehun nods. "You know he's going to spike one of us, right?"

"No he won't. We're popular now, okay?" Sehun replies.

Chanyeol scoffs. "Popular? Sehun, you're just unforgettable for being the biggest ass ever." He laughs a little after his own joke.

Sehun smirks. "Only because I have a big ass."

"Excuse me?" Chanyeol stops and looks at Sehun in shock. "You understood that wrong. I said you are a big ass, not that you have one."

"You wouldn't change me though." Sehun says, smiling smugly.

Chanyeol shakes his head and carries on walking. "Sometimes I surely would change you for someone else."

"Hey! I heard that you asshole!" Sehun shouts, catching up with him. "If you would change me, what would you change?"

The two stay quiet a minute, Sehun waiting for an answer. "Your personality."

Sehun narrows his eyes in confusion. "You better be joking. If you're not, you're not coming to this party and I'm keeping the car."

Chanyeol scoffs. "Not all of it you idiot. Just you being a total dick about things. I can't even have a peaceful night in without you turning up and teasing me about jerking off."

"That's because you would do it everyday over Baek." Sehun replies.

"Like you never did the same over LuHan" Chanyeol retorts, beginning to get annoyed.

"Yeah, and?"

Chanyeol looks at him, rolls his eyes and walks off in front. He makes his way up Kai's driveway and enters the house that is already full of students drinking and loud music.

Honestly though, you can't really call it a house as it's a completely modern building with glass windows from the floor to ceiling and the garages are on the ground floor. The garden is huge and has a swimming pool as well as a smaller building where Kai likes to escape to.

When Chanyeol finally reaches the first floor where everyone is, he is greeted by a certain less friendly face. "Chanyeol? Didn't expect you to be here."

"I expected you to be here Joonmyeon. Sehun got the two of us invited." Chanyeol replies, resisting the urge to roll his eyes and act rude.

Joonmyeon nods. "I forgot that you're supposedly dating Baekhyun. Poor guy."

"Fuck off Joonmyeon. I ain't here to cause trouble. I'm here to party and have fun, nothing else." Chanyeol states as Sehun comes up the stairs.

"Not him again." Sehun states. "Can't you jump off a building or something already?"

Joonmyeon laughs. "I think I'll save that for someone else." He turns around and walks off.

Sehun growls under his breath. "One day I will end up killing that guy."

"You're not killing anyone." A voice says. The two of them look to the side to see LuHan and Baekhyun walking up to them. "Just behave for one night, please?" LuHan asks, looking up at Sehun.

"I'll behave, for you." Sehun replies.

LuHan grabs his hand and smiles. "Come on, let's go get you a drink."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol watch as the couple walks away. "Are you alright? You look like you've just been slapped." Baekhyun asks.

"Just Joonmyeon being himself and Sehun being a total ass. Nothing new really." Chanyeol replies, followed by a sigh.

The smaller smiles softly. "Just ignore them tonight. Let's grab some drinks and just have some fun without a care in the world, okay?"

Chanyeol smiles and nods. "Shots?"

"Not happening."

"Oh yes. You are on shots." Chanyeol states, dragging Baekhyun into the kitchen where the bottles are laid out.

Baekhyun shakes his head. "You remember what I'm like when I drink, right?"

Chanyeol laughs. "You were mardy back then. This is for fun. If you throw up this time, you keep drinking until you pass out. That's what me and Sehun used to do when we used to drink."

"I don't know...isn't it dangerous?"

"Oh come on Baek. LuHan is already downing a second shot and your mate Kai drinks like fish. How are you the only one who hardly drinks?" Chanyeol asks.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes and grabs a shot from the table that Chanyeol poured out for himself and drinks it quick. He pulls a funny face making Chanyeol laugh. "Alcohol is disgusting."

"You're adorable." Chanyeol says, drinking a shot himself. He pours two more. "Let's do this."

After a couple of hours of drinking and dancing, LuHan and Baekhyun find themselves in the kitchen trying to make themselves another drink. Baekhyun is totally out of it and shockingly LuHan isn't fully drunk yet.

"How's it going?" Baekhyun asks, trying to read the names of the drinks on the bottles.

LuHan chuckles. "Well, Sehun is drunk, just like you and he's playing nicely with Chanyeol for once. They're complimenting each other."

"Aww, that's so cute!" Baekhyun hiccups at the end and chuckles.

"Where have you been for the past 20 minutes anyway?" LuHan asks, opening a bottle of soju.

Baekhyun thinks for a second. "I honestly don't know."

"Idiot. Here's a bottle for you." LuHan passes him the bottle before opening another for himself. "Let's go back."

The two of them walk back outside into the garden and over where they were all sat laughing only a few minutes before. LuHan stops suddenly before he reaches Chanyeol and Sehun.

"Lu? Why is my boyfriend making out with yours?" Baekhyun asks, laughing as it's not registering due to his drunkenness.

Sehun is sat on Chanyeol's lap, roughly making out with him while Chanyeol's hands are moving around under Sehun's tee.

LuHan puts the bottle of soju on the table and walks back into the house and out onto the street. Unlike Baekhyun, there was still part of him that understood reality. He feels himself go hot and sick. He paces for a second up and down the street until he eventually throws up into a bush. Although, he doesn't know if it's because he's just seen his boyfriend with someone else or the alcohol has finally decided to come back for round two.

After watching LuHan leave, Baekhyun questions what to do next. Does he go over Chanyeol, his boyfriend, or does he follow LuHan, his best friend who is in need of some help? He rolls his head and walks through the house to find LuHan sat on the curb outside, crying.

"Lu?" He asks, trying not to trip over his own feet. "Let's go back to mine."

And the tea is spilt. I needed to bring in some behaviour from the beginning of the book since you guys enjoyed that. a little bit of sarcastic Chanyeol and rude Sehun. Plus, I have no idea why I make Baek so feminine and cute when he's drunk!

Anyway, please vote, comment and share if you enjoyed it! Please don't be a silent reader!

{COMPLETED} Dirty Seduction (ChanBaek) 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt