Chapter 7- Catching Feelings

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7. I hate his smile.

I woke up from the dream. I was dreaming about the time he kissed me. I kept thinking about his smile right before he kissed my cheek that night. I didn’t know why but I liked his smile, in fact I loved it. I hated that. Of course I found Zayn physically attractive. What women wouldn’t? But it was his personality that made me hate him. But his looks made me forget about that sometimes. I felt like an awful person for saying that. I had to admit there were some things about Zayn’s personality that weren’t horrible.

It was another traveling day and I had no idea where we were headed to next. I think Florida? Did that make sense coming from Atlanta? I wasn’t sure. I’m English people not American. Plus I failed world geography. Why do you think I wait on these 5 boys all day. But the pay was pretty good and the job was totally worth it. It wasn’t that I was dumb just more into music and language and English kinds of stuff.

So yet another traveling day was ahead and the usual was going on and as I was about to ask the boys what they wanted for breakfast I could feel my throat tense up and start to hurt. It came out all scratchy. I coughed a few times off to the side and I started feeling dizzy. I couldn’t remember when I last ate or drank anything. The last thing I remember before passing out was Zayn’s eyes getting really wide as I started to sway.


“Hey LR! Are you okay?” Liam’s voice fretted. I slowly opened my eyes to see myself lying in one of the boys bunks with Niall, Liam, and Harry huddled around me.

“What’s going on?” I coughed out. I was sick I knew that. But I don’t remember anything else after.

“You passed out and Zayn caught you. You could have gotten really hurt.” Niall said. “Zayn and Louis went to get a doctor to check you out.”

I think I mumbled something and then said, “I’m hungry.”

Niall laughed, Liam looked better, and Harry went to find me some food. You could tell they were all really worried about me. It was so sweet. They really were amazing friends.

Soon after me getting a little to eat and drink, the doctor with Zayn and Louis arrived.  I sat up and the doctor examined me. He said I definitely had a regular old cold. Also, I was dehydrated and need food and water and that I was under a lot of stress. He said I needed to chill and if it happened again I would have to get off tour and go home for a while to recover and relax.

I wasn’t about to go home but with all the stress in my life at the moment I would probably be shipped home the next day. I was going to try and be a good patient and stay on tour.

So it was decided I was would be put in the main tour bus with all the cargo. It had an actual bed in the back and everyone thought I would be able to have less stress and more time to recover. Each of the boys took turns caring for me from just talking to getting me things. I was sick though and actual cold to be exact. They felt it was there way of paying me back for everything I do even though it was my job. They took each an hour watch over me and then switched.

This hour was Zayn’s turn and he was trying his best not to fight with me. “Do you need anything?” he asked sweetly.

“A glass of water would be nice.” I said. I hoped I wasn’t being too pushy with any of the boys.

“No, problem.” He smiled and almost gave me a heart attack. His beautiful smile. Bright white teeth and full lips, completely kissable. What was I saying? My sickness must be making me crazy and probably the stress as well.

He came back with the glass of water and handed it to me and sat himself down the edge of the bed.  “So? How are you doing?” he asked. I could tell this wasn’t about me being sick. It was about last night.

“Better. Sometimes you just need to break down once in a while. I haven’t had a chance to make things right with Josh though.” I stammered. I didn’t think Zayn would care about my problems.

“Ha sometimes you do.” He laughed. “But you and Josh will work it out. You always been really good friends.”

“Maybe it was a mistake going on a date with him. It only made things awkward. We should have just stayed friends.” I groaned. My life was a mess.

“Well sometimes you have to take that chance and go for it. You won’t know until you try.” He said. Deep. Of course.

“Well it doesn’t seem to be working well. I don’t want to go out with him I want to be his friend again. He just wasn’t my type and I mean it was awkward in the first place.” I rambled on.

Zayn laughed and flashed me his beautiful smile again. I hated it. I was dying inside. “Sometimes what you want is right in front of you. You just have to wait for the sun to clear the fog to see whats there.” I had a feeling we weren’t talking about Josh. I had no idea what we were talking about at this point. Maybe that all my problems would get better.

I started to get really tired then and I handed the cup of water to Zayn as I started to drift off. I think he whispered goodnight beautiful or it might have been the cold talking.

I don’t know how long I slept for but I knew I was awake. I heard voice. Niall and Zayn probably switching watching shifts over me. It seemed like Zayn was there more than an hour. I could hear them talking.

“Zayn, come on man. You’ve got to get some sleep. I promise I’ll watch her. It’s just a cold, man.” Niall said.

“I’m fine really.” He insisted.

“Mate, you’ve been here for 3 hours. You need sleep.” Niall said.

“Fine.” Zayn said giving up. He hovered over me and kissed my forehead.  I won’t lie. I liked it. I was going to pretend it didn’t happen.

“She’ll be fine, mate. Whats wrong?” Niall asked.

“It just that. You know.” He said. They had secret both of them knew and I didn’t.

“Of course. I understand. No worries.” Niall assured.

After I heard Zayn walk out of the room I feel back asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling a bit better but I still couldn’t feel my throat and I still couldn’t breathe out of my nose. I turned over and saw Louis sleeping in a chair near my bed. Apparently it was his turn to watch me. Great job falling asleep though. I called his name but my voice was all messed up. So I threw a pillow at his face. He woke up all surprised and I laughed and my voice sounded like a dying whale.

“Well goodmorning.” Louis said with his hair a mess.

“Hi.” I said.

“Do you want some tea?” he asked knowingly.

I shook my head because I didn’t want to talk anymore.  After I got my tea I started talking to Louis.

“You know it’s not necessary to stop the bus every hour to switch watching over me.” I said.

“Yes, but we do it anyway. Ha it’s more like by hours and we just text each when we get tired over here.”

“How long have you been here?” I asked.

“Um, 2 hours maybe?” he said. “I think Zayn’s coming back over soon though. Just got a text.”

“Okay.” I said indifferent. Apparently Louis noticed a change in tone.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing.” I smiled. I remember Zayn kissing my forehead last night and calling me beautiful. I don’t even know what to think of that. Was I falling for Zayn? Or was it the cold? I did know one thing: all the boys knew some secret with Zayn and I was clueless.

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