Chap Eight: Rock the Party.

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"Seriously?" I muttered and Neal shot me a look. He then extended his arm to me.

"Shall we?" He asked and I smiled, he was charming when he wanted to be, even though the timing was totally off.

"Oh, we shall." I replied coyly and then wound my arm within his and let him lead me inside the club.

"Oh my God!" I squealed when I was inside.

"This place is huge!" I shrieked and Neal laughed.

"This is decent." He shouted to be heard above the music but I cringed and then I literally clinged to his arms.

"Neal, I'll die in this place. Get me outta here." I shouted at him but he grunted. I was terrified! This place was crazy! The people here were .. freaking me out. They were shouting and jumping and gulping down vodka like it was water and their dancing!

Oh my God.

"SUMMER!" Alexis shouted when she saw me and I raised my startled eyes to her.

"Welcome to the night life, baby." Lisa said and then gulped down a shot.

Neal let go off my arm to meet Joey, Eric and Nick.

I stood there, in this huge crowd, literally lost.

"Hey, come on here." Violet shouted and then she grasped my arm and pulled me over to the bar.

"It's your party, baby. Drink up!" She exclaimed but I shook my head vigorously and stepped back only to trip over the damned heels and bump into someone.

"Whoa! Watch where you fall, pretty lady." They guy said.

"I'm sorry." I shouted over the crowd, God, this was insane!

"It's 'kay. You can fall on me, anytime!" He said and then he started leaning into me, I took a step back when I smelled the whiskey on him but suddenly he was gone.

"Watch it, buddy. That lady's with me." I heard Neal say and the .. drunkard lifted his hands in the air and fell back in the crowd.

"Wow." I breathed and put a hand on my heart to calm it down.

"You're out of your territory, here, aren't you?" Neal asked.

"Way way out." I replied back and he gave me a smile.

"I understand. Just stick to one of us all the time." He warned me and I was more than happy to oblige, he then pushed me into the stool beside Lisa and motioned Jason, Eric and Nick over to us.

"Ohho! You look sexy." Joey said and whistled at me. I blushed to the roots of my hair.

"Lay off, man. You're way too old." Nick said playfully and slapped Joey on the shoulder.

Okay, it seemed like I was their target tonight.

"Relax. They're kidding, I'll be back." Neal said and I nodded. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. when I would open my eyes, the world would be a better place, I told myself. But I was wrong, I was still shit-scared from this .. place. God, it was crazy and so loud! The music was literally pumping through me.

"What are you doing, Summer! This is an awesome party! Drink up." Alexis said and then she gave me a shot-glass.

"No, no, no, no, no. I don't drink." I denied but she grunted.

"Oh, pooh. You will tonight. Come on, I bet you 10 bucks, you can." She shrieked. Oh my God, what was this!

"Come on, just 1 shot." Jason joined in and then everybody was encouraging me! So, I gulped the bloody thing down.

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