CHAPTER 9 [a text]

Start from the beginning

Jack: Grace, I know you don't want to be listening to anything I have to say right now and I know that you're exteremly angry as to what happened today. I'm so so sorry I didn't say anything, I was more hurt by what Tess was saying to even comprehend what was happening. Everything she said was not true and it hurt me to think everyone thought that. And now you believe it which is the last thing I want you to do. I really do care about you and I didn't intend of doing anything to hurt you. I must say you surprised me, I didn't think I could care for you this much. I never thought you'd be as nice as a person you are. It's obvious we dont know the full stroy that happened between our siblings and I don't want what we think happened to affect us in any way. We're proving everyone wrong by even talking to each other let alone becoming as close as we are now. I wanted to call you and tell you all of this but I was too afriad you wouldn't answer or you wouldn't let me get a word in. I'm so sorry, and when you feel like you can, please, just talk to me. Love Jack xx

A tear falls onto my phone screen and I wipe it away, I do the same to my face. I didn't expect Jack to care this much and I didn't realise until now that what Tess said affected him as well as me. I understand where he's coming from and I now know I shouldn't have exploded at him like I did before I left school. I feel so guilty for everything I said. And I didn't mean to, and I didn't realise but going to talk to Tess did drag Jack into it. I didn't mean for him to get hurt. I feel awful. I text him back with the only words I can think of.

Me: I understand, I'm so sorry xx

to my suprisde he texts back almost instantly,

Jack: park around the coner in 10? xx

Me: of course xx

I smile and pull myslef up and off my bed and get changed into something other than sweats. I need to tell him I'm sorry, because I'm extremely sorry.

"I'm leaving mum, I'll be back in time for dinner, love you" I shout whilst heading out the door. I walk cautiously down to the park. I'm scared for what Jack is going to be like. I'm scared to see someone I don't want to. I get there and see no one. I decide to sit on the swings and wait for him to come. As I swing, I look around and memories of me and Tess come flooding back from this park. We always used to play here, even when we were younger up until about 11 years olds until she said it was boring and 'kids our age don't play at the park anymore'. I look over my shoulder and see a few boys skating about on the skate park. They look around my age, a bit older, which is wierd because no one is ever there and I don't recognise them - at least not from where I am.

I can hear them shouting and laughing, and I smile because they seem happy. I don't know who they are but I'm happy they're happy. I turn back to face the street and see Jack approaching me with a skateboard in his hand, with a weak smile plastered across his face. I get up instantly and walk towards him. As I reach him we stand there for a few seconds before he pulls me into a tight hug, dropping his skateboard to the floor. I smile into it wrapping my arms around him tighter. "I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you today Gracie" he says, still hugging me. "it's fine Jack" I say pulling out the hug, he brushes my hair behind my eyes and kisses me on the head. I smile, how cute.

"shall we go skate?" he smiles lifting his board up from the floor, "I don't have mine" I say, "don't worry, we'll share" he smiles. We walk over to the skate park, Jack has his arm thrown around me and we're smiling. As we approad the guys skating there before, we go quiet. Looking now I realise one of them is Spencers old friend from school. Why would a 20 year old be skating around a skate park at 5 in the afternoon? I keep my head down trying not to make eye contact with him. He might not recognise me. But if he does, it could cause trouble.

We go to the other end of the skatepark leaving them to the side with railing and more of the ramps - the better side. Jack start to do some kick flicks and we laugh as he falls over a few times. I have a go and land one perfeclty and he looks at me in atonishment. "how did you get so good, I thought you said you don't skate much?" he says, "I don't, just sometimes" I wink at him and he smiles. "maths test is tomorrow" Jack says, "shoot, I'm sorry I thought we had an extra week" I say hoping off the skateboard and sitting next to him. "it's fine Grace, I've been studying on my own, with help from you over face times and stuff anyway" he says, "you think you'll get a c?" I ask, "might push it to a b" he smiles, I laugh a little.

I look over to the guys on the other end, and I can see Spencers friend, Alex, starring at us. We lock eyes and as soon at I realise and rip my head away from him to face Jack. "what's up" he raises his eyebrow, "nothing" I smile weak, "tell me" he says grabbing my hand, "it's just, Spencers friend is over there" I say, "what" Jack says quickly removing his hand from mine and looking over. "it's not a big deal Jack, I don't think they talk that much since Spencer left" I say quielty, "still I don't want to get you in trouble" I say, "he won't recognise you" I say, "you never know" he says finally looking away from him to me. "Jack, calm down" I say, he lets out a breath and smiles. "my turn" he says picking up his skateboard and heading off. I smile as I watch him.

He goes onto one of the long railings at the side and does a kick flip when he comes off, landing it, of course. He looks at me and I can see him beaming even though he's closer to the other end rather than mine. I clap and he throws his arms up smiling. I see Alex stare at Jack, then he switches his gaze from him to me. I get scared he might have figured out who we are. Jack speeds over with a goofy smile on his face and we both laugh. The group of guys are slowly inching towards us on the park. "shall we go?" I ask Jack, "now?" he asks, "yes now" I say, standing up, walking past Jack.


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