CHAPTER 9 [a text]

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I get home and run to my room. My mum isn't home and neither is Elliott so I can scream and cry as much as I want. I throw myself onto my bed and scream into my pillows, I try to get my anger out by throwing them after. One minute later and I get tired, I slide down my wall to the floor and just sit there. Jack told me not to talk to her, I didn't listen. If I hadn't have spoken to her and just left it I'd be fine right now. I wouldn't have gotten embarrassed. I wouldn't have shouted at Jack and I wouldn't be home right now, completely trashing my room in hope to get my anger out. I go through the whole senerio in my head to see how things turned completely upside down. There's so much more I could have said. If I had just worried about myself for once more than others, I'd be fine right now. If I would have thought the situation through before going ahead with it without knowing the outcome, I'd be fine.

Jack. Oh my god, Jack. I shouted at Jack. Why did I do that. Everything happened so fast and I was so angry and I just lost control. He isnt going to talk to me know and I'm not going to have anyone. I might as well be in a car going to wherever the hell Spencer is right now. But I don't want to run away like he did. When thing get tough I shouldn't drop everything and leave. I can push through this, I've pushed through harder stuff before and survived - I should be able to do this.

I decide I need a me day. Just one day for me...and maybe tomorrow whilst everything dies down just a little. I'm not hiding or running away - I'm just taking a little break. I'll be able to convince mum to have a day off, I hope. I pick all my cushions up and throw them on my bed. I change into sweats and tie my hair up, then take all my make up off. I press the on button on my tv remote and instantly go on netflix to look for a film whilst pulling my covers over me, getting into bed. After scrolling for what feel like forever I finally land on something that I love. Friends. I press play and begind to watch an episode and Ill probably get through all of season 1 by tomorrow if I don't move from this position. That is a challenge I'm willing to take.

I normally get home from school earlier than mum on mondays because she works later today, so I wont have to tell her I came home. Unless the school rings, which I doubt they will because I've done it before and they haven't.

Episode after episode, I press play, one after the other going through at least 8 or 9 before I get a text off my mum saying shes leaving work. I don't realise what time it is until then. I text back letting her know 'i just got home' and laugh to myself when I send the text. She doesn't know I'm guessing and I shouldn't be findning myself this funny. I fling my phone back on my bed and carry on watching this episode of friends. I'm finally okay with the whole situation - and by that I mean I haven't broke down in like 2 hours. I decide to pick myself off the bed and head downstairs for food. I'm craving pop tarts so I make 2 of them and eat them in like 2 mins, I guess I was hungry.

Just as I was about to walk up the stairs my mum walks through the door with Elliott holding her hand. As soon as he sees me a huge smile forms on his face and he runs up to me. I pick him up and give him a big hug. "I miss you today Gracie" he says smiling as I put him, "I miss you too" I say, "how was school" I ask, "you dont want to know how school went for him today" my mum says walking past us and grabbing a bottle of water out the fridge. "why what did he do" I ask, "why dont you tell her Elliott?" she says, "I said a bad word" he says, "oh no, Elliott why" I say, "because the kid was being mean to me so I told him to piss off" Elliott says causing mum to tell him off again and me to laugh. "that's your doing grace, he hears you say it all the time" my mum says as she lets Elliott go and play up in his room.

I laugh to myself. "he's got a bit of a temper hasn't he" i say, "takes after you and your brother" mum says, I smile a little. "when is he coming over?" I ask, "soon he said, I think next week probably?" she says, "okay" I smile and then I leave her to go back upstairs. I hear my phone ringing from outside my room, but when I walk in it stops. I pick up my phone and see that I got a miss call from Jack. I'm suprised that he even wants to speak to me right now. I scroll down to see other notifications and see that Jack has sent a me a long text. Oh god. What could this say.

The Exception// Jack Avery [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang