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Everthing ached. Elsanna rose, her muscles shrieking in protest, her limbs trembling with exhaustion. Her Phoenix feathers were all gone, and she had run out of water crystals for her alchemy cylinder. She looked at her spirit weapon, Elias, and sighed.

"Looks like it's just you and me now, Elias," she whispered, clutching the handle of her spirit mace. She received no response. He must be mad at her again. Her guard cylinder was losing its durability again for the second time this week. She smiled a weak, bitter smile. 'Great Paladin she was. No wonder Craig had been hesitant to begin training her. Oh, the look on his face when he saw her transform into the Knight of Light.

"Holy Lymilark, Barri Dungeon gets so tedious after three days," she thought, striking down a flying sword. Tarlach had told her to investigate the broken seals in the dungeon.

"Elias... I'm sorry for whatever I did, please speak to me," Elsanna whispered, bowing her head and gripping the hilt of her battle sword that hung at her waist.

"I am here, Elsanna," Elias whispered, "remember the request of the Goddess."

"I know..." she muttered. Lifting her head high, she approaches the Boss Room. Elsanna was greeted by five ogre warriors: four small ones and one large one. This was her fith dungeon, and she wasn't about to give up easily. Comgan was depending on her, just like all of the other priests. The statues of the Goddess needed to be restored.

One week later, all of the statues were restored, Tarlach finally got to see Mari again, and Elsanna had managed to get through Baol Dungeon using her anti-fomor robe that she got from Aodhan.

"Elias?" She asked.


"It's time to go finish this, but we're going to Emain Macha first."


With a small smile she whispered, "there's someone I need to thank." And at that, she began to head for the nearest Moon Gate.

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