So that's my crazy family in a nutshell, a big close successful family that love each other dearly yet didn't know each other as much as we once thought.

I suddenly felt a little angry at Jay for bringing some stranger as his girlfriend into our family. It was mean on the girl he was taking, she might think that Jay liked her to only find out she would never be his type. All my family will get close to her, my Mother will get her hopes up, only to find out that it was over as fast as it started.

Compared to the other girls my brother always brought with him she was most likely some tall, long legged blonde that's after her minute of fame. Well I'm going to make sure that Jay doesn't hurt Mum again with his little games, he needed to man up and tell everyone the truth.


Have you ever told a lie... a lie that you've let go on for far too long, so long even that you've had to tell lie after lie after lie just to keep your first lie a lie.

That's the thing about lies, they grow. They grow so big, everyday it becomes a heavier burden to bear, you start to hate yourself bit my bit because you lie to the ones you love.

I'm not talking about a little white lie like telling your Gran that you love the jumper she brought you last Christmas when secretly you hate it. I'm talking about lies that change your whole life and the people around you, lies that could destroy a family or friendship.

A lie that could destroy your very self.

Have you ever told one of them lies?

I have and it's been a lie that's lasted half my life.

I started just lying to myself, for years I knew what I was but never wanted to think about it but growing up I've realised it's who I am and there's nothing I could do to change it. And recently I've seen that I don't want to change it, I'm happy with who I am and that's the important part. But even if I'm happy with the way I am now, I've continued lying because it's just gone past the point of no return. It started as a secret really but over time I've had to lie to keep my secret a secret.

That's why I'm here now.

Me! Jay Minster, top lawyer for the rich and famous and a member of one of the UK's most powerful families, in a downtown nightclub just so I can keep the ones I love from knowing my secret.

For years my mother has wanted me to find a woman that I would finally start a family with, a woman who would look after me and grow old with but the only problem is I don't want that.

Not one bit!

But I could never tell my mother that, it would kill her! That's why I kept it from her all these years... along with some other secrets, just to keep her happy.

But... It was beginning to get unbearable! Every party she would be there with her friends playing matchmaker and every time she would fail and show her unhappiness for the world to see. So that's when I started bringing dates with me, it would keep her from match making and stop the media gossip down about my love life. I'd sometimes bring women I'm friends with, work with or just women I would chat up in a bar that wanted to be wined and dined but not only did the girl start wanting more from me but my mother was still not happy.

It didn't help that every date I had looked like a true gold-digger with the fake hair, long legs and short dresses; I knew my mother wouldn't approve of any of them, that was why I brought them, thinking my Mother would get off my back about dating. I thought she wouldn't care about meeting any of them again because she despised them which was fine with me, as I never saw them again either. But all it did was push her more into my dating life and I couldn't keep up with it!

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