"You late on your rant again," he asked sipping his tea.

"Yep! Rents have gone up because I didn't pay for last months and the club's only really giving overtime if I get my kit off" I leaned on the wall next to him out the way of the normal flock of Londoners starting their day.

"What do you do at a strip club if you don't get your kit off?" Sid asked.

"Nothing gets past you Sid. I work at the bar serving people drinks." I only had to dance once. That night a little bit of me died being on that stage. With eyes all over me I nearly ruined the whole routine, I'm normally a good dancer but wearing nothing but underwear and having men older than you Dad watching you kind of put me of believe it or not.

"We all need to make a living"

"Well, dancing isn't my best talent. Surprisingly they never asked again" which I was more than happy about, I thought. I grabbed the rolls out of the bag I got for our breakfast "What do you want the bacon or sausage roll?"

"Baron... thanks" I passed him the roll then pulled any but not before he saw... "What happened to ya hand?" he asked as.

You know when you have a cut and it doesn't hurt until you see it? Well, that wasn't this... it's been killing ever since I jumped off the rails back at home I scrapped my hand as I feel cutting along the side of my risk and perm.

"I fell... I gotta get to the café, take care Sid" I didn't want to fuss about the cuts or I'll have to think about the burning pain.

"You need that care more than me Hun, thanks again my lovely" he called to me as I continued to walk to work.

"Morning Milly" I called into the kitchen taking off my coat and putting my apron on.

"Morning sweetie, you're early?" The shop wasn't open yet but I normally didn't start until past nine so I guess it is weird seeing me early but it's not that strange is it?

"Yeah people keep saying that. I wake up early that are all" I walked into the kitchen seeing Ninny baking already, Milly normally wakes five every morning getting the shop ready.

"Kate, you hate waking up early, is everything ok?" I forgot how well she knows me so well if I don't get my full... thirteen hours sleep I get very snappy and moody.

"Yeah, every things fine!" my voice was a little too high and I answered far too quickly to be believable but Mil would know if I wanted to talk about it I would. "I just had a bad night's sleep, that's all"

"Ok, if you're sure," she said going back the bread.

"What do you need me to bake?" I looked around the place seeing she'd already done the breads and pastries.

"How about some pies and muffins seeing as your early, you're better at sweets as I am anyway" I loved making the sweets! It made licking the spoons after more fun.

"I'm only as good as my teacher" a grinned at her.

"Well your teacher must have been amazing" she smirked. I kissed her on the cheek before starting the day.

This morning run quicker than I thought it was nearly eleven already, we had the rush of the breakfast runs and soon lunchtimes would start but right now it was quiet with only a couple of random customers.

I was just displaying the cakes that came out the over when I heard a manly deep Irish accident from over the counter.

"Excuse me?" When I turned around I wasn't expecting the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. He had thick black hair, sharp bone structure with a little stubble and a strong jaw. He was big too, like bodybuilding big with broad shoulders and you could easily see that under his leather coat is an amazing body...

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