"the hell did you want me to do! She was gonna come after yer ass if I didn't!" I yelled back.

"the group is on their way to the prison now!"he exclaimed.

"Don't you go blAmin shit on me! If you two wouldn't have been a couple of dumb asses and gotten yer selves caught we wouldn't be in this mess!" I said getting into his face.

"you shouldn't be worried about me! You should've stayed and protected my family like ya was supposed to!" He yelled.

"ain't my wife! Ant my damn kids! Ain't the husband, the dad supposed to do that shit!" I knew I hit a nerve with him there.

this fight about turned into a fist fight when Rick spoke up,

"both of you need to stop right now! That group is headed towards the prison so both of you need to suck it up, fight later because they need us!"

daryl and I continues starring each other down until he finally nodded. His guard rested and I bent down to untie Rick. Once they were both free we started to leave the camp.

"where's the people they left guard?" Rick asked.

"took care of em" I smirked.

he nodded knowing what I meant while we searched for their weapons. When we found them, we started heading back to the prison.

kaylas pov

I stood frozen. Watching the gate for any sign of the 3 men. Any sign of anything. It's been hours since Merle left and I was worrying so badly that I couldn't breathe. Beth and carol had the twins so I could remain on watch. My eyes never left the gate. I was alone until I felt someone come up beside me. I turned to see Maggie who approached me with a faint smile. I returned it, but I know I couldn't hide the worry In my eyes.

"You alright?" She asked.

"alright as I can be right now" I sighed.

"They'll make it back ya know. All of em. They're strong" she smiled.

"I know." I sighed, trying to make myself believe it but I was scared.

"hey daryls strong. He won't stop fighting until he gets back to you." She said.

"I know, but that's my dad, my husband, and my brother in law."I sighed.

"ya and all those men. Your family are tht toughest men I've ever seen. They'll make it back" she said.

i smiled and hugged her,"thank you Maggie"

"anytime" she smiled.

we released the hug and then something caught my eye moving outside the gate. My heart picked up thinking it was my family. But there was more than just 3. I quickly raised my rifle and looked out the scope. In was a bunch of people I didn't know, but they had weapons and numbers. I searched the group till I saw one i noticed causing me to gasp,


"What" Maggie asked.

"Tom" I said scared.

I heard her gasp and saw their group begin to charge the gates.

"Maggie go!" I screamed and we both ran into e prison. I quickly ran to the two that had my twins. Thank god most the group was with them.

Maggie and I ran and were out of breath. Quickly Glenn was at her side,

"what's going on"

"it's that other group. We are under attack!" I said running and passing out weapons.

Once everyone that was fighting was armed I went up to carol and Beth,

"go through D and out the back. Take all the kids."

I looked down to my two sleeping kids in their arms, realizing this very well could be the last time I ever see them. Tears came to my eyes and one escaped, falling down my cheek. I bent down and placed a kiss on both of their foreheads. I took in everything, their scent, the softness of their skin. My heart was literally shattered.

"I love you both so much" I whispered. I then looked back up to both Beth and carol,

"take care of them. Please" I whispered.

They quickly nodded and I went to Carl, "ya have to go. Protect them"

"no! I can do this! I can stay and fight!" He protested.

i started hearing gunfire outside so I made this quick,

"Carl no. I'm sorry I know you can, but I need you with your sister and the kids. Protect them go!"

"I won't leave you!" He protested.

"you can and you will!" I said restating the final words my father told me.

I saw the same tears in his eyes that I had in mine when I lost him. I now realize the sacrifice my dad made for me. He finally nodded, grabbed Judith and they all ran out as Herschel followed. I looked around who was left, me maggie, Glenn, Sasha, tyreese. All knowing our numbers were limited, but the others got away and I can only hope and pray that daryl gets here fast.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now