10. The new student

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Later on in the class~

Iruka: "Class settle down! Today we have a new student among us. This is her first time in Konoha (which was a lie requested by Naruko). Please be nice towards her! She does not speak!"(Too much- Iruka whispered to no one in particular. He said this in such a low voice that no one was able to hear him.)

When the students heard this the class erupted into a chaos... yet again, much to Iruka's dismay. This made Iruka sigh in annoyance and caused a tick mark to appear on his forehead. He was getting pissed and was trying his best to keep himself calm and composed like he usually was.

 He was getting pissed and was trying his best to keep himself calm and composed like he usually was

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Random whispers could be heard from various students present in the classroom.

Kiba: "Oooh... a new student and that to a girl !! I wonder what she looks like...."

Choji: "Yeah (munch) me to... too bad she cannot speak (munch)"

Iruka: "Oi! Choji don't eat in class!!"

Shikamaru: "A girl huh? Mendokuse!! Another troublesome woman to handle!!"

Ino: "Hey! What was that supposed to mean!!"

Shikamaru: "Ahh...shut up troublesome woman! This is such a drag!"

Lee: "Now-now Shikamaru-kun don't say that! This girl is a new student. We must encourage her burning flames of youth and support her! We must not make her feel bad!!"

Tenten: "Lee please be quiet.. your youth talk will scare her even before she settles down in class!!"

Neji: 'Hmm... I thought Iruka sensei said something afterward... I wonder what it was...or maybe it was just a fragment of my imagination...'

Temari: "I wonder what she is like... I just hope that she does not become another Sasuke fangirl!  We already have two! And they are more than enough to handle!!"

Ino: "Shut up!! Sasuke-kun is so handsome!! And not to forget cool~ how can no girl fall for him!!"

Sakura: "Shut up Ino-pig!! Sasuke-kun only loves me!!"

'If this girl shows interest towards my Sasuke... then I will have to show her, her place... shannaro!'


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Blessings  {A KakashixNaruko fanfic}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu