6. Back to the present ~starting all over again

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Now after '6' years, they had returned back to 'Konoha'. Naruto and Naruko being heirs of the 'Uzumaki' and 'Namikaze clans' had inherited a lot of wealth. They had returned because Naruko was now '15' soon going to turn '16' and had become matured enough to take care of herself and Naruto. Another reason for their return was that Naruko and Naruto had to continue their higher studies and no place was better than Konoha for this purpose. The reason being that it was famous for its 'excellent and student-friendly system of education' and 'Schools'.

The two blonde siblings were living in a 3 people apartment which was quite luxurious.

Today was going to be a Sunday. That means Naruko had to unpack all of her and Naruto's stuff and meet the Principals of their respective schools. Although Jiraiya had already enrolled them in their new schools Naruko and Naruto had to visit their new schools as a part of the formality of clearing their admissions.

The blonde siblings were happy at their Godfather's choice of schools. Naruto being the cheerful ball of sunshine that he is was happy at the thought of the chance of meeting new people and making new bonds. Naruko, on the other hand, was happy because of a set of completely different reasons.

The three reasons were:

1st – The school was close to the 'Academy' where Naruto was going to study.

2nd – The staff of 'Konoha High' and the 'Academy' comprised of the friends of her late parents. Jiraiya had spoken with them. He had informed them that the two kids who were being enrolled were the children of Minato and Kushina. At first, they were shocked for they had not heard about the two survivor's for a long period of time but were happy at the same time, for they had finally returned to Konoha.

3rd – Naruto and Naruko's Guardian 'Iruka' was present there as well. He was not named as their guardian by their parents but the two kids considered him as one. Iruka too felt responsible towards the children. He considered himself to be their 'mastiff-in-waiting'. 


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