Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.

Start from the beginning

I quickly looked around in horror seeing elves dead in pools of blood, only a few remaining, while Orcs kept coming. Gareth grabbed my arm, dragging me to the horses. I knew what was going to happen as the words left his mouth.

"Whatever happens Analee, please know that I love you, I love you with my heart, my darling dove" He said, wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks.

"I am not leaving you!" I said, shaking my head. "No, no, no" I mumbled as I heard him put a saddle on the horse. "I am no-"

I was cut off by his lips landing roughly on mine. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling me closer to him. He cupped my face, tilting my face more to the side, deepening the kiss. I felt his hands slid down to my shoulders, pulling me back before lifting me onto the horse. His hand still grasping mine.

He then gently kissed my forehead, tears falling from his eyes as he said "I love you Analee, please forgive me" Before I could respond he hit the horse's backside. His hand slipping out of mine as I zoomed off, watching Gareth fight the remaining orcs.

He looked back at my retreating figure and shouted "I LOVE YOU AN-" I cut him off by shouting "GARETH! BEHIND YOU!"


Raina's P.O.V

As I closed the desk, I felt as if I am being watched. I looked behind my shoulder, to the window. Two blood red orbs started back at me, nothing, but pure black darkness of the night surrounded it. I felt a sense of anger give off, but its eyes were not elvish or even human. It was like its soul was surrounded by darkness, unable to see the light.

I must have made a sound because the creature looked directly at me. The atmosphere around me suddenly got colder. My breath became mist in the air. Bumps started to form on my bare arms. The creature sort of glared at me, before jumping of the tree outside and running off...

I felt heat instantly flow back through my body. I stood there frozen to the spot, my heart pumping against my ribs in fear. Never before have I experience anything like this... creepy, very creepy. I quickly ran over to the window, checking it's locked and the curtains closed. I looked around the now darkened room, my eyes landed on Belle's sleeping figure. Her face seemed confused, her hands gently gripped the sheets, her face turned into sacredness. Her eyes scrunched as well as her hands. Her mouth was slightly open, letting out a small whimper before her legs lashing out against the blanket, her whimpers turned into small paranoid screams, tears started to fall from her closed eye lids.

I raced over to her bed and firmly grabbed her shoulders. She instantly lashed out at me, her nails nearly coming in contact with my cheeks as she screamed out "GARETH! BEHIND YOU!" Belle's eyes snapped open, revealing scared bluely green eyes covered with a lake of tears. Her breath quickened as she instantly sat up, shaking fingers threading through slightly knotty hair.

I gently laid my hand against her cheek and said, "It's okay hun, it was only a nightmare, it was not real."

Her eyes looked directly into my eyes and her voice was shaky as she said, "It was real, it was all real...."


Belle's P.O.V

My head started to spin as my body started to heat up. It felt as if my flesh was burning, melting off my bone. I put the back of my hand against my forehead, feeling my stomach spin in gaseousness. I have to get out of here, I thought to myself, pulling back the covers and standing up. But as I took my first step, my legs turned into jelly. I gripped the edge of the bed head for support. Taking a deep breath, I took another step, hoping my muscles will support my weight.

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