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VIDEO and photo above - Donatello

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VIDEO and photo above - Donatello

Part 2 of 4

Mariano's POV ...


The bomb from the church field jolted me back to my senses and I wiped a stray tear from my cheek as I watched Donatello hurrying down the stairs behind the apartments.

He was a little smaller than me, about 5' 11" and a hunky 175 pounds, but it sounded like a whole football squad of dudes clattering down the wooden porches and stairs. I hoped all the noise meant that he was happy to see me. When he stepped onto the walk that led to the parking area and I saw the big grin on his face, I knew he was.

"Dude!" he shouted and waved.

I felt a blast of bliss rush through me and one of Cupid's arrows pierced my heart. He had missed me! I knew it! And then like a punch in the gut from Satan himself, I realized that Francesco had probably made him stay away from me. This was all his doing, their being so scarce. And I wanted to strangle the beautiful blond son of a bitch!


I pushed myself away from the car and watched him walk over to me. His aggressive neighborhood tough-guy strut belied his pretty boy appearance and he looked like a lead dude on a New York Fashion Week runway. His long curly hair was still damp from showering and slicked straight back, a backwards baseball cap covering most of it. His constant short stubble beard and mustache accented his square jaw and sensuous lips, adding a rugged touch of macho to his prettiness.

Tight blue skinny jeans with shredded rips showed off his manly legs and slim hips, a nice bulge centered right in the crotch. He was wearing a deep V-necked tank top that showed off his sexy muscle-pec cleavage and an unbuttoned short-sleeved shirt over it that looked really fine but hid too much of him from my wanton eyes.

He walked right up to me and, as my dick tingled and immediately started getting hard, our eyes locked on each other's. We bumped fists and started into a bro hug without even speaking. Then suddenly, forgetting his no-touch policy, he grabbed me in a total hug and I, of course, hugged back. Hard. We were literally crushing each other as we somehow managed to scurry behind the old Chevy to the garages and into the space between them and the ones next door.

By the time we got behind the dumpster there, we were kissing, our tongues on fire probing deep into each other's mouths. I couldn't believe I was holding him, kissing him, pressing my throbbing boner against his. I was so overwhelmed I had to lean against the brick wall of the garage and pull him with me. I was afraid I might fall. I hadn't held him and kissed him since that night two years ago!

Our mouths broke apart and we both gasped for air.

"I love you, Donny. I missed you! Don't you ever shut me out like that again. I swear I'll fucking die!"

Our eyes were like an inch apart. I could feel his lips and stubble as he said, "I love you too, Mariano. I don't ever want to be without you again. But Frank ... oh fuck ... I'll tell you about it later. Just please behave yourself, huh? You know he and I don't want everyone to know we're queer. Please!"

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