I look at her and raise an eyebrow. "And what?"

"What do you think about it?" She studies me.

I snort in response. "It's just a legend. And the second Great Supernatural War was eons ago. Who knows what really happened? I also heard from my friend who guards the coast that someone from the Old World who picks up run-aways said that the war started because one of the Royals were killed during a small argument. Actually there's many more so I don't know the truth or really care."

"Would you want to communicate with your inner wolf?" She asks out of the blue.

I plop myself down on the ground when we arrive at our destination. "Uh, duh? Who wouldn't want to meet their wolf? It's bad enough we're missing our other halves, but to be missing a part of ourselves? Who'd want that? Or so the Legend says."

Katie sits in front me and her eyes are still studying me. "Do you believe in the legend?"

"Why are you still asking about this?" I study her now. I hadn't pictured her as a dreamer.

"Well, I am a female Alpha." She shrugs nonchalantly.

"So? You think you're the Princess of the Moon, beloved daughter of the Moon Goddess?" I stifle a laugh at her serious expression. "No way!"

Katie huffs and crosses her arms. "Whatever."

I snicker at her annoyed expression. It's fun messing with her and I take every chance I can get. This woman shows no mercy when it comes to sparring-not that I'd want her to hold back, but that's beside the point. She's a freaking sadist and gets riled up more the more she sees the damage she's done for some reason.

Her eyes are distant and glazed over with longing and sadness, which immediately makes me pause in joking when I realize I really might have offended her.

"Do you believe it?" I find myself asking.

She turns to me, clearly not expecting me to be serious and she replies innocently. "I do."

I inhale sharply. It was just a legend, a sad one, so picturing her as the Moon Goddess's beloved daughter makes something in me churn uncomfortably.

Somehow, we have gotten closer than she has with anyone else, enough to call the relationship between us as one would have with a sibling. But, we had not crossed that line, neither of us making a move, just waiting until the other does.

I've come to accept that I don't know all of Katie's past and I've long since realized that I'm afraid of knowing, especially the one of Vivian.

I remember when she told me she was a prisoner. At first I thought she was pulling my leg, but she was a rogue running away, so her words were also a possibility I had to consider.

Then, she mentioned my older sister, Vivian. Her eyes lit up with recognition and an emotion I knew all too well-hate was there. She even firmly stated she didn't like her. Ever since, I've always find myself wondering what she could have hated about Vivian. Sure my sister was once the leader of the trouble makers of our pack, but she was faithful and had much love to give.

I was overcome with happiness, that at first, I didn't take time to think why she'd used such a disdained tone talking about my sister or why she'd hate her. But, now I can read the emotions in her eyes when her guard is down and her face doesn't show it. I came up with many scenarios to figure it out, but they're all ones I don't like.

Thinking back to the way her eyes flashed, more doubts had begun to bloom in my mind.

I hadn't brought up the subject since, and I have a feeling Katie hasn't either for my sake. And I'm thankful for it even if it's eating me up inside.

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