Chapter 12 ✅

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3rd Person POV

A few uneventful days pass with Katie mostly staying by Rose's side. She didn't leave until it was time for lunch and then she would go back to the red head.

Samuel also stayed by Rose's side a lot more since he's gained Katie's approval.

Daniel and Trish visited to chill with them a little bit before dinner all the time.

Nick would come along with Sally to check in on Rose's recovery and sometimes stay a while longer for a chit chat.

Katie didn't see Jackson during those days. She blamed the mate bond if her mind ever so much as wondered about the Alpha of the East.


One morning, Katie went back to sleep after Rose had her breakfast.

"She barely ate yesterday," Samuel whispers worriedly as he occupies the chair beside the bed. "She only ate lunch if I remember correctly, and it wasn't even a whole lot. And she didn't eat this morning either."

"Katie isn't used to eating three meals a day that's why..." Rose rubs her friend's back sitting beside her curled up form.

She looks sadly at the raven, not sure how she can help. "She'd always make everyone eat before her after her mother died, and there usually wasn't enough so I'd give her some of my share."

"You really care about her, huh?" Samuel smiles at his mate lovingly.

Rose smiles down at Katie. "I do. I really do. I just wish there was some way I could help her. Staying by her side is all I can do, but I...I'm holding her back. I'm chaining her to this, to fate."

Samuel stares at his mate questioningly. Her words...she feels sure of it. He wonders what had happened when they were back in the West.

His eyes slide to Katie. "Do you want to hear a story?" He says suddenly.

Rose looks up at him curiously. "A story? About what?"

"Ever heard of the story about Hansel and Gretel?" He asks instead.

Rose nods unsure of why he'd tell her a story she already knew.

"Well, I'm going to tell you an alternative story; one where instead of bread crumbs lies bodies, and instead of a witch and gingerbread house, it's a king and his land." He laughs darkly.

Rose swallows, excited and scared of how the story is going to turn out.

Samuel takes a deep breath in before finally speaking. "One day, Hansel and Gretel were walking through the dark forest. They were searching for their father who had ventured into the woods to find his wife."

"What happened to the wife?" Rose curiously asks.

"She disappeared one day in the forest," He answers her. "The kids however, wanted to help but got lost you see. And in the woods there were many terrible things so they had no choice but to fight their way through the dark woods where dangerous people lurk to find their parents."

"Oh my," Rose gasp, "that's scary."

Samuel nods, already expecting such a reaction from the red head. "They killed many werewolves in their quest that they became infamous, and so when they finally made it to the King's land, the King had welcomed them with open arms in front of his people at the border of his land."

"Really?" Rose's eyes light up.

"Really. He said he'd give them anything they'd ever want if they worked for him." Samuel grounds out while smiling darkly.

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