Chapter 8 ✅

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Jackson's POV

I stare silently at Katie sitting down with her back against their door asleep.

While Rose is as beautiful as an innocent rose, I have to admit that Katie is just as attractive. The sexy kind of attractive.

My nose twitches from the scent mixed in with hers and I raise my eyebrows in surprise, a smile on face.

Placing the food down on the ground besides her, I crouch in front of her and gently call her.

"Katie," I whisper.

The rooms are sound proof so nobody can hear from the outside, and those inside cannot hear the outside, but I still whisper as not to frighten her awake.

"Katie," I try a couple more times.

Her eyes flutter open and I smile even more. "...Jack...son?"

Her sleepy voice gives me goosebumps.

She looks really cute right now.

"Yeah, wake up. You shouldn't sleep out here in the hallway, and you can't sleep until you've eaten something. And why aren't inside?"

Katie pouts. "I was going to chill inside, but I decided it'd be awkward for Samuel if I was there with him. And then I got sleepy just standing here and I was too tired to move from here so why not just sleep here?"

I shake my head at that. I move to wrap my arms around her, but immediately pull back when I feel the sparks I've heard about between mates when they touch go off.

Katie's eyes widen at that and she looks fully awake now.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" She growls out.

I put up my hands up in surrender, "It's not what you think. I was only going to carry you to my room to eat and rest up."

Katie narrows her eyes at me, but reels back her anger. "I can stand up myself, thank you very much."

So she does, swaying a little bit, but she's eventually standing straight and staring me down. Or in her case, up.

She looks adorable, but it sucks how she's keeping me at a distance.

I sigh and pick up the stuff I brought up for her and start heading to my bedroom. "Come on."

She hesitates and looks skeptically at my bedroom door before following. "You didn't have to bring food for me you know."

I don't turn around when I reply, "What's the use of cooking food if you aren't going to eat some yourself?"

Chancing a glance back, her eyes are wide in shock.

"They told you?! I thought I didn't have to tell them not to tell anybody that I made lunch because of the problems that can arise from it!" She groans.

"They didn't," I chuckle at her freaking out.

"They didn't? Then, how do you know? Who told you? They're the only two who knew!" She argues adorably.

"You did," I laugh at the incredulous look she gives me as we stop outside my door. "I'm a werewolf. I can smell. You have the smell of all the food in the dining room for lunch latching onto you. I'd be a fool if I didn't put two and two together. Besides, nobody else knows but me."

"Oh," she says, flushing, embarrassed about her useless outburst.

"It was delicious by the way." I open the door and look over my shoulder and smile at how her face reddens more.

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