She’s done around seven. Enough food is cooked, the table set, and a trolly with Rose’s and Samuel’s food is in it. She doesn’t want Rose to eat alone.

So she stealthily stays away from prying eyes, and hopefully from those who have keen senses when it comes to scents. Once she’s out the front door, she heads off to the butterfly field.

Upon arriving at the butterfly field, she’s shocked when she sees Keith there lying down on the ground.

“What are you doing?” She walks up to him.

His answer is a snore. So she does what anyone else would have done: kicked him right where the sun don’t shine and was pleased when she heard an agonizing scream.

“What the hell you bitch!” He snarled once he stopped rolling around and realized who his attacker was.

“I was talking to you and you didn’t answer me.” She coolly says.

Keith gawks angrily at her response. “You what? You kicked me because I didn’t answer you?”

She levels her eyes on him, and nods once. “Yes.”

“I was sleeping for fuck’s sake!” He roars.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Kids these days. You should really watch your language when you’re talking to your elders.” Katie shakes her head in disappointment.

“You aren’t my elder! And I’ll say whatever the hell I want!” He huffs, cautiously shielding what’s every man’s weakness when she looks down at it in thought.

She looks back at him with a raised eyebrow. “But I am your master right?”

“You just said that the only thing you can teach me is pain!” He fumes. “You’re not my master.”

“I’m deeply offended. Do you know what the people of the West Clan’s called me? I was called the Torturer.” She coughs, swallowing the blood back down and falls to her knees. She hasn’t fully healed from yesterday, and apparently saying more shitty information isn’t such a good idea.

“The Torturer?” He snorts. “What the hell kind of name is that. Stop lying.”

She wants to laugh in his face and tell him all about it just to see his horrified expression, but the blood in her stomach is twisting again and she knows she’s treading on ice now. “You don’t have to believe me. After all who knows if I could be lying to you and am really a spy.”

Keith goes silent.

She looks up to see him staring at her with an unreadable expression. “…What?”

He doesn’t reply right away, but when he does, it’s a neutral tone. “Nothing.” And a neutral answer.

She doesn’t push him. Instead she changes the subject. “So why were you sleeping out here early in the morning? Don’t tell me you slept out here after I left.”

“Well I wanted to do some stretching and practice a little more for today.” He crosses his arms and holds his chin up high.

“Did you now?” Her tone has a little edge to it when she says it, implying that if she was there to watch it, she would have seen something entertaining.

He has a feeling she knows something, but she doesn’t. Right? After all she left and didn’t come back so she didn’t see him stretch his legs, putting his feet together and touching is toes only to fall forward face flat and knock out. And it was the first stretch too. Nope. If she doesn’t know, it didn’t happen.

“I did.” He snaps quickly.

“I see.”

“Well?” He asks her.

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