Chapter 19 ✅

Começar do início

Despite quite a lot of people greeting me and all, I know majority of the pack members here still aren't too fond of Rose and me since we're from the West.

"It means that your fighting is different and dirty." He stares me down.

I scoff at the insult. "My fighting style is different, I can agree to that. However," I growl out while standing up and walking towards him, "My fighting isn't dirty."

Keith takes a step back only to bump into the tree, and becomes cornered by me.

I slam my hand next to his head and hit the trunk of the tree hard enough that butterflies fly out of the leaves. "My fighting back there when my jaws were in your stomach was when I was fighting to protect."

I push myself away from him and give back his space.

Keith lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"You've never seen me fight other than that time, so you have no right to talk shit about how I fight."

He shoves me back and grabs the front of my shirt, snarling as he speaks. "Then how do you fight huh? Just because you're an Alpha you think I'll cower before you?!"

I narrow my eyes at him with my lips in a thin line.

"Well?!" He shouts in my face.

"I fight to survive," I finally say. "It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm an Alpha. Unlike you guys here who fight to win, I fight to live. And when the situation arises, I also fight to protect-what's mine."

Keith gawks angrily. "And how is fighting to survive any different than fighting to win?!"

"If you don't know the difference," I force his hands to let me go, "than you know nothing of fighting. "

"I know nothing of fighting?!" He says incredulously. "Me? I may not be the best fighter here in the pact, but I sure as hell know how to fight my own battles and what I'm fighting for!"

"What? Revenge? Because you and that group of shifters apparently have beef with the West Clan." I stated.

"That..." He trails off, understanding what I'm getting at.

He fights to protect, that's his style, but what he did that day was...

He glares at me. "Why are you talking about them as if you aren't from their Clan? Just because you leave doesn't mean you're not a part of them anymore."

"You're right," he looks taken aback by my response until I add, "But you are also wrong." And he's fuming again.

"Oh yeah? How so?"

I know what he's trying to do. He's the type I hate letting get close to me.

"Rose unfortunately had to make a big sacrifice in order to leave and she was scarred. She has to live paying that price for the rest of her life. I on the other hand just had to escape my prison." I say nonchalantly.

"Prison?" He asks in disbelief. "Are you mocking me? You're a female Alpha! I bet you were high ranked and killed many people!"

"Oh yeah, I've killed people." I admit with an emotionless laugh. "I wasn't just a prisoner, and that's all I'm going to tell you now leave me so I can have some peace!"

He remains silent for a moment.

"Wait!" He calls out to me suddenly.

"What now?" I groan swiping a hand over my face. This kid only knows how to piss me off.

"Teach me how to fight," he asks. "Please." He adds like it was some afterthought.

I raise a questioning eyebrow at that. "And why would I do that? Aren't I your enemy?"

The Female AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora