Chapter Ten

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It would be two weeks before I'd see either Ava or Lily again. And when I did finally see my daughter... it was at a game.

"Santo August! Santo August!" A reporter called after me as I tried to discreetly follow Steph from his car to the stadium. "Is it true? Did you abuse Ms. Gardiner? Are you and Tasha having an affair? Where is Ava? What happened to your hand?"

She bombarded me with questions and I glanced at her as I heard a few more approach.

"Is the baby yours?" One asked.

"Did you abuse her?" Another chimed in.

"Why did you cheat? Is Ava not enough?" A third questioned.

They each shoved recording devices in my face and Steph glanced at me. Pictures were snapped and I opened my mouth to speak.

"No it's not true. I never had an affair with Tasha Gardiner...or anyone else for that manner. I love my wife...I love my baby girl. I'd never do that to them, ever." I answered.

"Is the baby yours?" Someone asked again.

"What about the pictures?" Another asked.

Steph tugged at my arm as they began to attack me with questions, all talking at once. He tugged me through the crowd and pulled me into the building.

"They're trying to get you to contradict yourself." He told me. "You answered good. Leave it at that for now." He patted my shoulder as we took the player entrance to the locker room.

The moment I stepped in, all chatter ceased and everyone stared at me.

"Is it true?" Dray was the one to break the silence.

I shook my head. "Nah. Tasha is my ex. We were together for ten years and she cheated on me the whole time. She left me and then he put her out so she came to me for help. She was pregnant when she came to me and I helped her out. Then a few games ago, she kissed me and I slapped her. It's that simple. That baby isn't mine. I don't abuse her or anyone else. And I love Ava way too much to cheat." I summed up.

"You been sleeping man?" Klay asked. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yeah." I lied. "Why?"

He shrugged. "You just...look tired is all."

After that game, the first of many, many awful games...I spotted Ava and Lily in the stands.

I hadn't spotted her before the game, indicating that perhaps she had been late getting from her mother's.

Ava looked exhausted, carrying a sleeping Lily in her arms as she quickly made her way out of the stands. She was probably trying not to be seen by me.

"Ava! Ava, wait!" Instead of going for the locker room, I ran toward her, pushing through people until my hand wrapped around her free arm. "Ava."

She turned to look at me, tears already falling down her cheeks. "Let me go, Chres."

I shook my head. "No. That's the problem." She turned to face me entirely and I stepped closer to her, sweat still streaming down my face. "I shouldn't have let you go so easy. I shouldn't have let you walk away from me like that." I told her. "I love you more than I love myself Ava...more than anything...ever. Baby, I can't do this without you. I can't....and you know this." She refused to look at me, tears still falling as camera people and reporters finished interviewing other players and began to find their way to me and Ava.

"Chres..." she frowned and took her arm from my hand, wiping away her tears. "I can't do this. Not here, not now." She seemed to be begging me not to do this here.

"Alright. Can I at least see you and Lily?" I asked. I didn't force her to talk about anything else because whatever was said from the moment the next sentence left either of our mouths, would be displayed on television worldwide as cameras and microphones were shoved into our faces.

"Yes. I'll come by tomorrow." She told me.

I nodded and reached out a hand to touch Lily's cheek as she slept. I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to the place where my hand had been, and smiled at her. My gaze raised to Ava's and she averted it immediately.

"I love you." I told her.

She didn't respond to that statement. "I'll see you in the morning."

Then she turned, pushing her way through the crowd that had formed around us.

"Santo August, Santo August! Are you guys getting a divorce?" A woman asked me, shoving a mic in my face.

"No. I love her, she loves me. We're not getting a divorce." I spoke.

"But you guys are separated?" A man asked, looking for confirmation.

"That's...not your business." I rolled my eyes.

"Is that a yes?" A voice piped up.

"No. That's a 'mind your motherfucking business'." I snapped, rolling my eyes. "Now Get out of my way."

I pushed past them, ignoring the questions they continued to ask.

"What happened to Tasha?" Someone called after me.

"Has the baby been born yet?"

"Did you leave Ava for Tasha?"

"Do you not care about your family?"

I made my way to the locker room and they continued to follow until I slammed the door behind me.

"Dang, what's up with you?" Klay asked.

"Nothing." I snapped unintentionally.

Steph cast a curious glance in my direction. "You okay, Santo?" He asked.

I gave a soft nod. "Yeah....Yeah, I'm good."

He stared at me for a little while longer before nodding his head. "Alright."

But I'd known Steph long enough to know that he could tell I was lying. He was just the type of person not to put you on the spot.

So as usual, he waited until we were the only two in the locker room.

"What happened out there?" He asked, referring to before I had entered the locker room.

I sighed. "I tried to talk to Ava...and we got swarmed by media people. So she refused to speak to me...but I guess she's coming by the house with Lily tomorrow."

"And the media hounded you?" He asked.

I nodded as I zipped my duffel bag shut and waited for Steph since he was my ride. "Yeah."

He sighed. "That's the worst part about this...they hear one thing, somebody sees one thing, and they come for blood. They want to see you fall...they want to see you struggle. They don't want to see you happy...ever. They want whatever makes you most miserable. They want whatever makes them money." He told me. "Don't let them have it." He said.

"Have what?"

"Your happiness....your sanity." was too late. They already had my happiness...they already had my sanity.

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