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I rolled over in bed, my eyes finding my wife...the woman I loved...the woman who birthed my child...gave me her life to spend with me...the woman that saved Liliana.

A smile fought its way into my face. How could I do anything but smile with such a beautiful person spending their life with someone like me? Ava was perfect.

She was beautiful...she was pregnant with my second child. And glowing. I slid closer to her, wrapping my arms around her securely.

A soft sigh left her lips and she cuddled closer to me, her head resting on my chest.

"I love you." I told her.

"I love you too." Was her response.


But did she?

Did she love me?

How could she love me?

How could anybody love me?

That was the million dollar question. And it haunted me everyday.

I had her in my arms...the woman of my dreams...the woman who loved me when I didn't even love myself...the one who saved me.

I had her.

I had her.


But now I don't...

I let her slip away.

Or maybe...I'm the one that slipped away.

Maybe I'm the one that stopped loving her. Maybe it's because I stopped holding her close...stopped cherishing her like I should've...

But either way, she's gone.

Her and my children....Gone.


And maybe...just maybe had I not opened the door that night, then maybe she'd still be here. Maybe she'd still be in my arms.

And then maybe....maybe she could save me.

Maybe if I had opened up about it...about Tasha...about the man...then maybe she could've been my Liliana again.

And maybe...just maybe...I wouldn't be where I am now.

Maybe I wouldn't be sitting in this bedroom...on this carpet...with blood seeping from my wrists and staining the carpet. Maybe just maybe, I would desire to call 9-1-1.

But maybe it's too late for me to be saved.

Maybe...maybe it's better this way.

Maybe...maybe...may- *thud*

Save Me (DTRTI Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now