Chapter Eight

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I took a few steps closer and reached out to touch her cheek once more. "Please don't." She almost whimpered as she shut her eyes once more and stepped away again.

"I-I can't touch you?" I asked, tears beginning to burn behind my own eyes.

"I's best if we...if you and I are apart for a while." She continued, keeping her eyes shut as she allowed her tears to fall. "I'll bring Lily to visit."

"B-but..." That was the only word that I could get out. Nothing else would leave my lips as realization hit and my heart sank deeper and deeper into the pit of my stomach.

'But Ava, I love you. I love Lily...I love us. I can't live without you....I need you.' That was what I wanted to say...that and more. I wanted to drop to my knees and beg her to stay with me. But I could hardly breathe, let alone move or speak.

My mouth was fixed in a straight line, my jaw clenched to keep the tears from falling as she took another deep breath and took the few short steps required to walk past me.

"We're gonna stay with my Los Angeles." She told me, pausing beside me only briefly to utter those words.

I didn't say anything as she walked away from me. I couldn't say anything....nothing that would matter. Nothing that would keep her from leaving.

'That's right. She's as good as gone.' His laughter was malicious, taunting me.

It was only once she had ascended the stairs to get Liliana that I allowed a tear to fall. I bit my lip, sniffling quietly as I turned to the stairs. Ava was on her way back down with two bags, Lily skipping beside her as she carried her drawing pad and a few crayons, wearing her small Dora backpack.

"Dada come wif us?" She asked me, tilting her head to the side.

Ava didn't say anything and I frowned and shook my head. "No princess, dada is not going." I bit my lip again to fight tears as Lily frowned and put her book and crayons down to run over and hug my legs.

I kneeled down to her level and hugged her tight.

"I want dada to go." Lily told me when I pulled away from the hug.

I sighed and wiped a stray tear, glancing up at Ava, who was avoiding my gaze entirely. She was staring toward the door, a duffel bag slung over one shoulder and a backpack hanging from the other.

I sighed and stood to my feet, picking Lily up. I used my free hand to reach into my pocket and pull out the car car keys.

"Here you go." My voice was low as I walked over to hand Ava the car keys. "Let me help with the bags."

She seemed reluctant at first, but eventually gave up, handing me the duffel bag to sling over my free shoulder as I walked out to the car with her.

Once we reached the car, I put the duffel bag in the trunk of the black and white Charger, waiting for Ava to put hers there as well. Once she did, I shut the trunk and sat Lily on top of it, grinning down at her.

"Remember when we watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?" I asked her.

She grinned and nodded. "Yeah."

"And remember our handshake?" I continued, my smile growing wider.

Lily nodded eagerly. "Yeah."

"You gonna do the handshake with dada?" I held my hand out and she nodded again before doing the handshake with me.

"I wuv you dada

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"I wuv you dada." Lily told me, kissing my cheek and wrapping her little arms around my neck.

I hugged her back, rubbing her back and picking her up off the trunk. "I know princess. Dada loves you more, okay?"

"Otay." She kisses my cheek again and I returned the favor, kissing her cheek before opening the car door to strap her into her car seat.

Once Lily was safely strapped in, I turned to see Ava standing there, tears still clouding her vision.

"Are you okay to drive?" I asked her, sighing softly.

She nodded and wiped away a few tears. "Y-Yeah. I'll be okay."

I stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Okay." The word was soft as I opened her car door for her. "You know that I love you, right Ava? I'd never in a million years go back to Tasha." I reached for her hand and she pulled it away. "I'd never go back to her...ever."

She sighed and dropped her gaze before silently getting in the car.

And that was the second time in ten minutes that my heart sank to my stomach. I watched her gather her composure and back out of the driveway before watching her pull off down the street.

Lily waved a tiny hand at me, paired with a bright smile and I waved back, blowing her a kiss, which she returned. After watching the car leave, I sulked back into the house and shut the door, locking it behind me.

I sank to the floor, letting my head fall back on the cool wood as I attempted, and failed, to blink back tears. They cascaded down my cheeks, falling freely now that Ava was gone.

I went from crying silently, to pulling my knees up to my chest and sobbing.

I'd never cried that hard before...over anybody.

But then again, Ava had never left me before.

Once my tears started to fade, I sniffled and stood to my feet, and exhaled, wiping away the tear stains from my cheeks.

'Poor little Santy!' He taunted. 'The bitch is gone and she took the kid! What're we gonna do now?' He laughed, just as he always did after taunting me.

"Shut up." I mumbled, balling up my fists.

'Or what? You gonna punch me Santy?!'

"Shut up!" I repeated, louder this time. "SHUT THE HELL UP!"


I wheeled around and swung, hitting the first thing in my line of sight. My hand crashed into the television, sending it crashing back into the wall.

I punched it again and then punched the wall beside it over and over again.

"I'm so fucking dumb!" I yelled, facepalming as tears began to stream once more.

An involuntary sob left my lips as his voice sounded in my head once more.

'You're right, you're dumb as hell!' He snarled. 'So do it. You know what I want.... cut.' The last word was a whisper but I heard it clear as day.

I turned over my left hand and used my bloody knuckled right hand to run over my cuts, watching as fallen tears littered my forearm.

'Do it.'

My bottom lip latched between my teeth and I sighed, turning to head for the bathroom in search of a razor blade.

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