Chapter Seven

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'Star Warriors Point Guard Slaps Pregnant Woman.'

'Santo August: Woman Abuser.'

'Slaps the Woman, Denies the Kid.'


'Secret Mistress...Abused And Pregnant.'

These were the headlines that I saw. Everywhere I looked, I was labeled as a woman beater...a man with an affair who got a woman pregnant and abused her.

'Santo...the Abuser.'

'Is the Kid His?'

'Santo's Mistress Comes Forth: 'He Got Me Pregnant.'

One after the other, each headline hit my phone as teammates forwarded articles to me, each with questions like: "Is this true?" Or "Who is she?" Or "Is the kid yours?"

No, it was not true. But with Tasha on the front page of any and every article that had been created, it was hard to prove otherwise.

And the kiss you ask? That was there too...lining each article right alongside the picture of me slapping Tasha.

Turning over to the empty bed beside me after checking my phone and skimming articles, I sighed. It was probably safe to say that Ava already knew about it, given that it was everywhere.

And my assumptions proved correct once I'd descended the stairs. Ava was seated on the couch as she put Lily's shoes on.

Her cheeks were stained with tears and Lily frowned at her. "Mama otay?" Lily asked her sweetly.

Ava gave her a soft nod, having not noticed my presence quite yet.

It was only a few moments before Lily noticed me. "Dada!" She cheered and clapped and Ava picked her up, turning to face me.

"Tell me that it's not true." Ava mumbled.

"It's not true." I told her honestly. "It's not."

She set Lily down on her feet. "Baby, go draw mama a picture." She kneeled to her level and told her sweetly. "Can you do that for me?"

Lily nodded eagerly and ran up the stairs, her curls bouncing wildly behind her. I watched her leave until Ava spoke again.

"What is this?" That was the question she asked.

I turned my gaze back to her and my eyes found her cell phone, displaying the picture of me and Tasha kissing.

I sighed. "'s not what it looks like." I told her.

But at this moment, my voice was quiet, seemingly failing me. I'd never seen Ava like this...except for the one time she'd told me about Xavier.

"What is it?" She asked once more. Tears continued to stream down her face and she shut her eyes, wiping at her cheeks with her palm.

I took a step closer to her as I opened my mouth to speak again, my hand extended to touch her cheek. But as if she could sense that, the moment my thumb grazed her damp cheek, she took a step back.

My hand fell by my side in defeat. "Ava....Baby, it's not what it looks like." I repeated the statement as if she'd believe it more the second time. "I swear."

Perhaps I felt that the couple of words tagged on the end would be it....the difference between her leaving me, and staying by my side.

"Then tell me..." She mumbled her response and I could hear the hurt in her voice. "Tell me what it is that I see."

I took a deep breath and dropped my gaze to the floor.

'Tell her....' He told me. 'Tell her that you still love her.'

"She kissed me." I shut my eyes as his voice invaded my mind again. "And then I slapped her."

'You forgot to tell her that you liked it. You forgot to tell her that you still love Tasha.' He snarled and then chuckled a dark chuckle.

"And that's it?" She asked me.

Her eyes had opened, her voice cracking slightly as she looked at me...and there was hope in her eyes. Hope that I was telling the truth...the whole truth.

'Tell her, you asshole. Tell her the whole truth.'

I stepped closer to her once more, and this time she allowed my palm to rest on her cheek as she shut her eyes and tilted her head toward my hand. I used my thumb to wipe away the stray tear that slipped from her eye and then allowed my other hand to find her other cheek.

I closed the space between and allowed my lips to graze hers gently before kissing her sweetly... passionately. Our lips moved in sync, reminding me of our very first kiss....Or every kiss with Ava, really.

When she pulled away slowly, her eyes fluttered open and a few more stray tears left her eyes. "That's it." I confirmed after a long moment of silence.

'You just cannot stop lying.' He chuckled, amused, I assume because of his sadistic mannerisms.

"Are you sure?" Her eyes searched mine as she asked this question and I searched hers back before nodding softly.

"I'm sure. That was it." I verified.

'But you didn't tell her that the kiss sparked an old flame.' He taunted.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. "That was it." I repeated.

"And the baby?" She asked the question almost as if she were afraid of what the answer would be.

"It's Damion's...I think." Was my unsure answer. "I don't know really...but it's not mine. I promise you that." I stared into her eyes as I spoke the last part and she broke the gaze, dropping her head and stepping back from my grip once more.

"I..." She began, pausing when Lily ran into the room and waved her picture around, showing it to us.

"Mama, I dwawed us!" She cheered.

Ava gave her a soft smile. "I love it sweetie. Draw me another please." She took the picture and watched as Lily nodded eagerly and ran back up the stairs. She turned to me once Liliana disappeared out of view once more. "I think..." She inhaled deeply and took a step away from me again. "I think Lily and I should go."

I could feel my heart shatter at her words. "W-what?"

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