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''You're what?'' Taehyung turned his head around so fast Yoongi feared it would fly off.

''That's none of your business.'' He snapped back, he was beyond furious at the moment, and from the looks of it Yuqi was no better.

''None of our business?!'' She snapped back. ''None of our business!?''

''Yeah, which part of that sentence are you having trouble processing!''

''Are you stupid or just that desperate!? That fucker is the reason you keep breaking Yoongi's heart.''

''What do you mean?''

''Yuqi, don't...'' Yoongi spoke up trying to calm the girl down. Taehyung's expression seemed to have softened a bit and was replaced with what Yoongi could only describe as a confused glare.

''No Yoongi, I will!'' She shouted back. ''He needs to hear this.''

''What is she talking about?'' Taehyung asked as he looked Yoongi in the eye.

Yoongi remained silent, not sure which side to choose. He could easily go play victim and let Yuqi snap at Taehyung to prove a point. But he wanted to keep at least a bit of his dignity. Now was not the time for a one-sided love confession, Taehyung didn't need to know about his pathetic little crush.

''That doesn't matter.'' He spoke up, forcing himself to speak a little louder, so that he didn't sound like a little scaredy-cat incapable of stopping a fight between his two best friends. ''What does matter right now is why you didn't tell us about Jungkook.''

''Because it's nothing worth mentioning.'' Taehyung shrugged his shoulders.

''Nothing worth mentioning? Taehyung did you forget what he did to you? Are you really going to let him back into your life just like that?'' Yuqi began to bombard him with questions. ''How did this even happen?''

''Nothing happened!'' Taehyung snapped back annoyed. ''We got high together once, that's it!''

''Since when do you do drugs?'' Yoongi asked.

''It was a one-time thing.'' Taehyung lied as he looked at Yoongi's disappointed expression. This is exactly why he didn't want to tell his friends about Jungkook. Because he knew they would get mad and judge him for it. He didn't want to face those disappointed expressions they currently had on their faces and he didn't want to have to defend himself and Jungkook.

''Then why do you talk to him all day long on the phone. Do you think we're stupid? We see you on that phone; every single day all day long all you do is talk to him. You don't even acknowledge us anymore. You call that a one-time thing?'' Yuqi asked as she crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrow at him.

''Okay, so we're friends again. So what? Have you two maybe thought about that the fact that maybe he's changed? That he's grown up a bit since then? You guys only ever think about the bad things he did but you forget how much he actually meant to me and how much it hurts to listen to you two speak about him so badly. He's not like that to me anymore.'' Taehyung explained. He felt tears building up in his eyes as he spoke. He didn't bother to look at his friends' expressions anymore to see if they went from disappointed to guilty, he just took his things and started making his way out of the house.

''Taehyung...'' Yoongi called out after the boy.

''I can't right now, okay... We'll talk about this some other time.'' Was the last thing Taehyung said before he left the house.

He was speed walking, trying to get to his destination as fast as possible, not wanting to break down in tears in the middle of the street. Nearly ten minutes later he was standing at a familiar house. He took in a shaky breath and rang the doorbell twice.

About a minute later, the door opened up revealing a boy with a concerned expression on his face.

''Hey, what happened?''

''Just let me in.''     

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