Prank #7. Should He Be Forgiven?

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So we are still in the flashback, I'll probably figure out the storyline in this but like I'm struggling, again I'm sorry

Sam's POV

"Okay, so here's how it's gonna work, Charlie you distract Gabriel, Lucifer you buy paint at the store and get home and get his room ready as soon as possible, Castiel, you and Dean will get the glitter, five dozen eggs and cooking spray"

"Do I really have to work with Dean, Sam" Castiel rolled his eyes and kind of made a disgusted face.

"Yes, this plan is nonnegotiable, if you guys have a problem with it then leave and I'll find someone to replace you"

"Okay, it's okay, Deanna and I will be fine"

"What have a told you about calling me that Cassie?!" Dena was as red as a tomato. (I find it so funny that Sam is always called Samantha yet Dean is the one named after a woman)

"Not to."

"And what do you keep doing?"

"Okay get that stick out of your ass Deano"

"Okay lets go" I clapped my hands together and started walking away.

~~~ after getting the supplies

"Okay Lucifer, did you get all the paint?"

"Yeah I got two cans of black and one of orangey red"


"We got the eggs, the string, the glitter and the spray"

"Okay lets get started."

We did a something similar to the prank we played on Castiel. But we also painted Gabriel's entire bedroom Black, Lucifer also painted some flames in an orangey red colour (his choice) throughout the room, Luci also brought along his friend who he ran into at the wall-mart, Michael. Dean and Castiel mixed the eggs, glitter and a little surprise I added which was feathers and I set up the string which would be trigger by Gabriel walking in and slipping on the cooking spray we put on the floor by the entrance.

It was the perfect prank for what he did to me, he needed to learn his lesson.


Gabriel's POV

"Hey Jess, can we talk??"

"Sure.. so im guessing this is about you lying to me" she said while standing up. This was going to be difficult.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, I just didn't want to lose my best friend and it was totally unfair and I'm really sorry I called you gross that was uncalled for"

"Well thank you for apologizing but are you sure it was just because you didn't want to lose him as your best friend?"

Oh fudge..

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I see the way you look at him and the way you blush when he talks.."

"No, I am not gay and I definitely do not like Sam if that is what you're suggesting"

Did that sound believable? It didn't really in my head

"Oh okay, just had to make sure."

"Yeah I get it" I nodded

"Okay well just so you know, Sam asked me out and we are gonna go to a movie" I gripped the strap of my backpack tilled my knuckles turned white, I gritted my teeth and started to shake a little. I was angry "are you okay"

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