Prank #2. The Prank War Has Begun

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Gabriel's POV

*After school*


"What do you want?"

"Someone pranked me during first period today.."

Hannah basically jumped the second she heard, she turned to me with wide eyes then suddenly she bursted our laughing, Lucifer walked in at this moment.

"Why are you having a seizure?"

"Someone.. p-pranked.. Gabe" she stuttered our as it was getting hard for her to breathe

Lucifer suddenly dropped to the floor laughing with Hannah, I gave them a death glare and stormed upstairs to my room, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialled my best friends phone number.


"Heya Sammy!!"

"What do you need, I'm kind of busy"

"Why where are you?"

"Study Group"

"Ugh! You are such a nerd"

"Yeah whatever, what do you need?"

"Someone pranked me today and I need you to help me find out who?"

"Why do you need to find them?"

"So I can start the greatest prank war ever known to prank wars"

Sam started laughing very loudly.

"Yeah okay Gabe, I'll help you later"

"Bye Moose!"

The phone clicked and I looked over at the time, I was only 8 so I grabbed a lollipop from my endless supply and started rewatching Doctor Who, I got about halfway through the first season of the new season

"I don't get how people skip nine, he's so sassy! Okay I seriously need some sleep." Gabriel stated to himself.



"I had study group, I'll come over after school today."

"Yeah whatever moose"


"Your new nickname"

I walked away quickly so that he couldn't argue with me.

The rest of the morning went on normally then it was lunch, I went to the cafeteria got my normal food and cupcake and sat down at a table by myself (I wasn't by myself there were a group of nerds sitting at the other end but they never paid any attention to me and Sammy always studied in the library at lunch so I was alone)

"Aren't you the kid that got pranked yesterday?"

I looked up from my tray and saw a girl, she was an average height but had long dark curly hair and she was wearing a a leather jacket and a mini skirt

"Ummm.. no?"

"Okay well I'm not really sure if you are trying to lie to me or to yourself but it doesn't really matter, I'm Ruby"

She extended her arm so I grabbed her hand and shook it.


"Oh and you're the trickster too?? That prank must of really pissed you off" she started laughing at me so I picked my headphones and put them in my ears and started to eat my lunch, I started with the cupcake (obviously) I didn't notice earlier but there was a note on the bottom of the cupcake.

Sorry about the frog earlier, this is an apology cupcake, I hope you enjoy ;)

Was this guy flirting with me?? I picked up the cupcake and took a very large bite, about 3/4 of the cupcake was in my mouth but this wasn't a normal cupcake. I quickly spit it out of my mouth causing a large number of people to look at me, I looked at the note again and turned it over.

B.t.w. It's vegan, gluten free and sugar free. I hope you enjoy the healthy cupcake. :D

THIS GUY IS JUST ASKING TO BE PUNCHED, how could he ruin a perfectly good cupcake? People around the room are still staring at me, I stood up leaving my tray and the cupcake I spit out there and I quickly ran out of the cafeteria.

A/N please tell me what you guys think because I might not continue this. I hope you guys like it because I enjoy writing it.

Two Tricksters? (Sabriel Highschool AU) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin