Prank #6. Backstory.

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Gabriel's POV

"Charlie I really need some help, can you help me?"

"Sure, what's up Gay-briel?"

Charlie's the only person who knows that I'm gay and that I love Sam but I never told her about what I did.

"Well ummm.. i figured out who was pranking me.." the tears started welling in my eyes again. I can't keep crying about this.

"Okay and who is it?"


Her eyes went wide, her jaw dropped a bit. "Wait what?"

"It's Sam whose been pranking me"

"Okay you need to tell me everything"


As I was walking down the hallway to the washroom, Jess approached me.

"Hey Gabe, i was wondering if you could ask Sam something for me"

Oh no. She's gonna ask me if he likes her.

"Oh yeah sure Jess"

"Okay well I was wondering if Sam liked me?"

"Well I don't know, I'll ask him"

"Okay.. just please don't tell him that I asked"

A frown started to form on my face but I couldn't let it because then she would know my biggest secret.

I'm in love with Sam Winchester

~~~~ After School.

"Oh hey Sammy"

"Hi Gabriel"

"God get your head out of that book, we need to talk about some stuff"


I was going to do it. I was but hen I saw his cute face and I just said "who do you think I should prank next?"

"You know my answer to that, it's always Lucifer, oh and then maybe we can prank Dean after."

"Yeah. We can totally do that"

We wondered out of my room and started to set up a prank for Lucifer, since we all know that Lucifer is obviously gay and in love with this guy Michael, we set up a glitter prank, we went to the stairs and greased up the top steps down, and set up a wire to released rainbow glitter when he slipped. It was kind of harsh but Lucifer needed to come out and he deserved it. We also hung a sign that said 'embrace the rainbow' on the wall at the bottom of the stairs

But we never thought that this would happen, we were sitting on the couch waiting for Lucifer to emerge from his room when we heard a very loud bang, turns out Castiel was also upstairs a d he wanted a drink..

"Gabriel, 'embrace the rainbow' what does that mean?"

"Oh my gosh Cassie, I'm so sorry that was meant for Luci."

"But he is totally gay" Sam whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck, my breath hitched and a deep blush spread across my face. "What's wrong Gabe?"

Oh shit he noticed.

"Nothing, I'm good, thanks for asking"

"Okay" he looks so confused now. I feel so stupid. What kind of idjit falls for his best friend!!

~~~ the next day.

"Sorry Jess, he said that he doesn't like you and that you are gross."

"Oh.. thanks Gabriel"

Two Tricksters? (Sabriel Highschool AU) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat