xvi. politics

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...Chandler and Yuna have their suspicions as well. They know about Harris's secret meetings and discreet orders. They've seen what I have, so I guess I'm not crazy. If I have other Elite with me, maybe this won't end the way that I think it will. And if it does, then just know that I died trying to stop it. We all did...

"Zara," Silas's voice filled my ears, while my mother's voice faded from my thoughts. "Do you think we can make a quick stop and see the Colosseum?" Humor danced in his eyes, but his smile was melancholic as he stared at a brochure on the table. We were outside a small cafe, away from the other patrons, waiting for Lucy and Thomas to buy their drinks and return to the table.

My fingers were tapping away impatiently on the wooden surface as I watched the two conversing near the counter, occasionally glancing at us.

Though I still wasn't sure about trusting Lucy and Thomas, regardless of my mother's words, it was obvious that they had information that I desired. Oliver and Maya were still in the United States on their own hunt for answers, and without these two, we were at a dead-end.

"Sure. After we kill Harris."

I'd meant for my words to come off as a joke, but the smile on Silas's face fell and he shuffled uncomfortably, much to my amusement. Our conversation was interrupted when the pair returned to the table.

Lucy set down her coffee, sliding into her seat across from me. "Are you sure you two don't want anything?" She studied our faces, mine expressionless, and Silas's grateful. She offered a small smile, but I remained indifferent.

Thomas was leaned back in his chair across from Silas, his arms crossed behind his head as he teetered on the back two legs of his seat. He watched me often, a ghost of a smirk never leaving his lips, his eyes full of dark mischief and a type of hunger I didn't want to place. His sly comments towards Silas and his lingering looks at me didn't cease. Poor boy.

He didn't realize exactly who he was messing with.

I ignored Lucy's question. She seemed sweet. I didn't care. "I need you two to stop wasting time." I leaned closer to them, narrowing my eyes. "If this really is a war, then you need to give me a reason to have you on our side."

Lucy pressed her lips into a thin line and looked to her brother, who sighed and folded his hands on the table. He'd been twirling a straw wrapper in his hands, one that he threw at Silas before he spoke. I felt the curly-headed boy tense next to me, but he remained quiet.

"Your mother, as you probably already know, was a Luna agent. Even after leaving, she still had ties. One of them is our father, Lucas." He flashed a perfect smile, rubbing his beard with his right hand as he spoke. "When she found out that Harris was up to something, she reached out to us. And after she failed--sorry, after she died, our father sent us to find you."

Silas huffed next to me. "Asshole."

Fire. In my blood, coursing through my veins, scorching my throat. Thomas was playing with me, for reasons I didn't know. His smug smile grew when his sister nudged him his ribs. I clenched my fist. Breathed. And smiled.

"And what does your father want from me?"

Lucy licked her lips, brushing aside her red bangs. "We know why G.O.L.D. is looking for you, and we think we may know what they're endgame is. We didn't know if Mist had anything to—"

"Mist?" I froze.

Lucy shook her head in astonishment. "You... don't know about Mist?"

Mist was on The Alliance documents, and it was constantly lingering in the back of my mind since I'd read about it.

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