xiii. Jeremiah Watkins

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He lifted his gaze when he heard us walk in, his expression endearing when he saw the woman who'd led us to his room. His smooth ebony skin became wrinkled near his caramel eyes as he studied me, recognition slowly encompassing his features. His eyes landed on the necklace I'd unknowingly been playing with, and a smile crept onto his lips.

"Zara Dubois. We meet again."

The smile on Jeremiah's lips was wistful. Reminiscent.

And I was sure my skin became pale from his words. I was skilled at remembering faces. It was just something I was naturally good at, but his face wasn't one I'd ever seen before.

"Again?" I swallowed my confusion. "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've met."

Jeremiah nodded solemnly and set his book aside. He motioned at the chairs nearby for Silas and me to sit down. The woman shared a look with him and excused herself, closing the door behind her.

"And this is..."

He looked at Silas, his eyebrows raised in anticipation.

Silas cleared his throat and held a hand out for him to shake.

"Uh, I'm Silas. It's nice to meet you. You have a nice place..."

I elbowed his ribs when I realized that he was rambling. Silas gave me an apologetic look and pursed his lips. Jeremiah laughed, watching him in amusement. His eyes, among secrets, were full of questions that he kept to himself.

"If you are here today, that must mean the rumors are true..." Jeremiah's words became solemn as he bowed his head in sorrow. "Rose?"

My heart skipping a beat at the sound of her name, I nodded. There wasn't anything to be said.

Jeremiah closed his eyes, whispering what seemed to be a prayer under his breath, and met my gaze once again. His golden eyes swam with memories.

"She was a good woman. Righteous." He shook his head, then took a deep breath. "But she had a lot of secrets."

Silas and I watched as Jeremiah wheeled towards a closet in the corner of the small room. It looked like nothing more than a wardrobe. And that's what it seemed to be when he opened it. A few shirts hung on the railing and there were shoes scattered on the floor.

Jeremiah pushed the clothes to one side, revealing another door behind the closet.

"Holy crap..." Silas whispered next to me, his eyes wide with awe. Jeremiah pulled what seemed to be a key out of his pocket, swinging the door open to reveal a dark room.

"This is why your mother sent you here. Follow me." He smiled, waiting for us in front of the secret door.

My feet carried me towards him, but when I heard Silas shuffling behind me, I turned to see that he was following.

"Just wait here," I told him. He knew enough of our secrets, and revealing more would not be smart on my part.

He looked disappointed and opened his mouth to argue, but Jeremiah's deep voice interrupted both of us.

"Let him come."

A smile crept onto Silas's lips and he gave me a look of victory as he walked past me, his shoulder brushing mine.

Even though I was annoyed, something within me told me that it wasn't smart to argue with Jeremiah. And I was right to trust that instinct.

The room, which was void of light before, was now completely lit, revealing boxes upon boxes stacked in one corner. The smell of old library books filled the air, and a shelf of books that reached the ceiling spanned half of the room.

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