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Prompt - You are an author that Rossi absolutely loves. He does what he can to make sure that your sister 's killer is caught and you get closure.

Warnings - violent and gory descriptions of murder, language, drinking.


You knock on the wooden door, smiling slightly. Realising that it's a Sunday, and your sister may not be home, you pull your key out of your purse. You put it in the lock and twist it to the left.You twist the handle and push the door open.

The darkness greets you as soon as the door is opened. You frown, entering the dark house and closing the door. Something seems off about the house. Maybe it's just that the house is dark.

You brush it off, and, realising that the family guard dog, Daisie didn't greet you, you call for her. "Daisie! Daisie, where are you?" you call. You hear whimpering coming from the bedroom, which is down the hall, to the left.

Worried, you crinkle your brows together. Carefully, you move through the hall, into the bedroom. In the bedroom, you find your sister in her bed. Daisie lays next to her, whimpering pitifully. You panic internally as you pull the covers back, revealing blood. Lots of blood.

You put the covers back and run out of the room. Tears begin to well up in your eyes. The world spins as you grab the landline in the kitchen. You call 9-1-1 desperately.

"Please state your emergency," a calm voice says. You inhale sharply before speaking. "My sister- i- she's dead," you say, sobbing. The operator calmly asks for the address and for what happened. You answer as calmly as you can.

"Please get them. Get the killer. I won't be able to sleep until they're caught," you say, still sobbing. The operator assures you that someone's on the way. You thank them and fall onto the floor. Darkness welcomes you.


You awaken with white lights blinding you. Blinking it away, you begin to hear voices, feet running, and monitors beeping. Eventually, you can see and hear clearly.

A nurse checks one of the monitors, and writes something on a clipboard. "There's some FBI agents just outside. They'd like to speak with you, if that's alright. You don't have to if you don't feel like it. I can let them know," the nurse says, turning to you.

You crinkle your brows together. Shouldn't she be telling you what happened? So, you ask. "You went into shock. The mixture of seeing-what you saw-and smelling the odour of you know got to you. It happens to the best of us, I'm afraid," she says, frowning.

You nod, accepting this, and tell her to let the FBI agents in the room. She smiles sympathetically, exiting the room. Two agents enter: an olive-skinned male with dark hair speckled with white, and a pale woman with long, dark hair and bangs.

The male steps forward, holding out a hand. "Hi, I'm SSA David Rossi and this is SSA Emily Prentiss. We are FBI agents from the BAU unit of Quantico, Virginia. Naturally, I'm a huge fan of your works, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that your sister's killer is caught," he says.

You shake his hand, listening intently to his small speech. Forcing a smile, you clear your throat. "I'm sure you have questions for us, but we have questions for you as well. If you could just answer them to the best of your ability, that would help us out a lot," Emily says. You nod.

Emily launches into an interrogation.


"Home at last," you say to your empty home. You place your keys in a wooden bowl on the counter, taking your shoes off, and carrying them in your hand. Sudden, you hear creaking in the hallway. Immediately expecting it to be an intruder, you take your phone out of your pocket.

You dial David Rossi-he gave you his number for emergencies - and hear a phone ringing in your house. Confused, you turn on the lights, still holding the phone to your ear.

Lo and behold, David Rossi stands in your living room, phone pressed to his ear. He turns around as the lights flicker on. You lower your phone and place it back in your pocket.

"Sorry for coming in unannounced. I was going to tell you, but you called me before I could call you," he explains. Still shocked, you say nothing. He smiles, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Finally gaining composure, you furrow your brows. "What are you doing here?" you ask, moving past David to put your shoes in the hall.

He laughs uneasily. "Well, I was going to just check up on you, but you weren't home. I was about to leave, but I discovered that your door was unlocked. Out of curiosity, I entered. You are, after all, my favourite author. I draw inspiration from your works," he explains.

Raising your eyebrows, you cross your arms. "I suppose I could let it slide this time," you say. David sighs. "Well, sit down. I'm sure you still have questions," you say, plopping on your couch. David sits down in the armchair across from you.

"What, may I ask, was your sister like?" he asks. You sigh, rubbing a hand over your face. "She was stubborn, independent, resourceful, loud, but she would take anyone under her wing, and do her best to make them happy," you say. David nods.

"You sure summed her up," he says. "She was a simple woman. She didn't want for anything. I should know-she's my sister; one of my only friends. After our parents died, we only had each other. So, yeah. I can pretty well sum her up," you say.

David sits up. "I am going to make it my personal duty to make sure that your sister's killer is found and justice is served. Even if I have to go to the ends of the earth to find them. If you'd like, you can stay at my place-for the purpose of ensuring your safety until this person is arrested. It is a possibility that they could be targeting you," he says.

You take him up on the offer.


"We have an address," David states, getting up from the sofa and putting his phone away. He goes to the window, a glass of scotch in hand.

"So they found him," you say simply. "Precisely," David confirms. You sigh, tears welling in your eyes. You smile a genuine smile for the first time in weeks.

Noticing the crying, David becomes concerned. "Is something wrong?" he asks. You shake your head, wiping your tears and sniffling. "No. I'm just happy that they finally got him," you say, laughing.

David smiles, lifting his scotch in the air. "Cheers to closure," he says. Laughing, you raise your own glass, sipping the burning drink.

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