Awkward Silence- Luke Alvez

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You sit down at the confrence table, sighing. Another murder. That means another criminal to catch. That means the risk of being partnered with Luke.

You have nothing against Luke. He's nice, and he's a genuinely good guy. It's just that every time the two of you get partnered up, it's awkward. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, it's so thick. You never know what to say to each other. 

"Wheels up in twenty," Hotch says. You get up immediately and grab your go- bag from the drawer in your desk.

A throat clears behind you. You get your bag and turn around to see Luke. "When we land, Hotch wants us to go to the crime scene," he says. You nod, smiling. "Thanks, Luke," you say. He nods, then walks with you to the elevator.


You and Luke drive to the scene. You in the passenger seat, and Luke driving. Nobody speaks. The only sound is the road outside the door.

You sigh, wishing you could say something. Finally, you muster up something to say to break the silence.

"Luke, why are we always so quiet? I mean, when other people are around, we talk, laugh, and smile with them. But when it's just us, we rarely talk to each other, unless it's about our case," you say. He sighs, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Before I answer your question, do you mind if I ask one?" You nod, and he sighs. "Have you ever liked someone so much that every time you want to talk to them, you can't think of anything but them?" Luke asks, eyes on the road.

You nod, which he sees with his peripheral. He sighs. "Then that's the reason we don't talk," he says. You take a minute to register what he just said. "So, you like me?" You ask, smiling. He nods slowly. "Yes. And in a more than friends way," he says.

"Good, 'cause I feel the same way," you say. A smile breaks across his face. He stops the vehicle in a parking lot and leans to your side of the car, looking into your eyes. You lean in as well, and your lips meet in the middle in a gentle, but passionate way. Slowly, you pull away and get back on the road.

"That. Was. Awesome!" You say. Luke chuckles. "Yeah. You're a pretty good kisser," he says. "You're not so bad yourself," you say.

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