Mask- Derek Morgan pt.1

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You've been a member of the team for a year now, and you have a minor crush on none other than Derek Morgan. You don't think you'll ever be good enough for him, so you've buried your feelings and push though life.

"Yo, baby girl. What you got for me?" Derek Morgan asks Penelope Garcia.

"Hello, my Chocolate Thunder, I have the address of the unsub. 220 West Fortune Street," she says frantically, keys clicking.

"Thank you my glorious goddess," Derek says, smiling and walking to a black SUV, you following him, and the rest of the team following you.

The line disconnects and Derek turns to you. "220 West Fortune Street. Got it?"he asks. You nod in response.

"Yep. Remember, my mind makes movies," you say, pointing to your head and getting in the car. Derek chuckles.

"Of course, Princess," he says, climbing in the driver's seat. He puts the key in the igntion.

"Okay, I'll get out the vehicle first. You follow my lead. Draw your weapon as soon as you get out. Got it?" He asks, turning the steering wheel. You nod, tapping your fingers on your knees.

"Good. You okay? You seem distant today," he asks, looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good. You never know what to expect with these things," you say. Derek nods, turning the wheel once more.

"You nervous or something?" Derek asks. You sigh.

"Sorta. It's not just that, though. It's more or less a form of anxiety," you say, staring straight ahead. You feel Derek's gaze burning into your cheek for a brief moment. Your cheeks turn a slight shade of rouge.

"Well, breathe for me. You gotta mask that anxiety and nervousy just long enough so we can get this over with," he says. You nod.

"Masking emotions is what I do best," you mutter, looking out the window. You continue to tap your fingers on your knees.

"What was that Princess? I didn't catch it," Derek says, looking at the road.

"Oh, sorry. Just, talking to myself," you say, waving it away with your hand. Derek chuckles.

"Right. You know, you looked like Pretty Boy when you did that wave. Have you been hanging out with him lately?" Derek asks. You furrow your brows.

"No, not recently. He's been talking to some girl," you say. Derek nods, eyes still on the road. You hold onto your seat as Derek pulls into a driveway with weeds and plants growing all around.

"This is 220 West Fortune Street, right," he asks. You nod, becoming alert and aware of your surroundings.

"Alright, stick to our plan," Derek says. You nod, unbuckling and getting your gun ready. Derek hops out of the SUV and goes to the door of the house. You follow him.
The rest of the team pulls in, getting out and pulling out their guns. Spencer and JJ go around back, Hotch and Emily go to the building. The rest follow you and Derek.

"Daniel Craig, this is the FBI! Open up and put your hands where we can see them," Derek shouts. You point your gun at the door, your face showing no emotion.Suddenly the door opens and an old lady steps out.

"Hello, young man. How can I help you today?"she asks.

"Ma'am, we're looking for Daniel Craig. He's being charged with five counts of murder," Derek says. The woman looks at you questioning you with her eyes. You nod, and she looks back at Derek.

"Well come on in! Danny's in his room. Up the stairs, second door on the right. I'll go make some coffee for you," she says, moving out of the way. You and Derek move into the house and head upstairs.

Derek stops at the second door on the right. The door is closed and locked. The other agents surround you as Derek pushes on the door.

"Daniel Craig, this Agent Morgan from the FBI. Open this door and show us your hands, and nobody has to get hurt," he says. The sound of footsteps behind the door gets louder as they come closer. The door is unlocked, but not opened. Foosteps retreating from the door sound.

Derek opens the door slowly, and sees a completely clean and organised room. On the far wall, a neatly made bed. On the bed, a young man by the name of Daniel Craig with a gun pointed under his chin.

"Daniel, look, it doesn't have to be this way. Just put the gun down," Derek says, trying to coax the twenty year old.

"You don't understand! I've done my duty! I took those people's pain away when I killed them. I put them out of their misery! At least let me out of my misery! Please," the young man says, sobbing. Derek shakes his head.

"Look, put the gun down and let's talk about this. It doesn't have to be this way. We can help you, if you put the gun down and allow us to," you say, lowering your weapon.

Daniel lowers the gun, then just when you think he's about to put it down, he shoots you. He shoots you right in the arm. You feel the bullet embed itself into your arm.

You look at your arm, noticing your blood seeping out and spreading. You shoot Daniel in the chest, just before everything goes black.

There will most defintely be a part two to this. But for now, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger.

How do ya like me now?


Anyways, comment or message me if you have any requests.

Love always,

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