Chapter 13: "Dark Before Dawn"

Start from the beginning

Mortals. Huh. So she must supernatural. With the way she'd scoffed at them, it would've been a surprise if she wasn't.

You're uncertain as to why she decided to stop, but engaging in some small talk should be harmless right? The last time you really had someone to talk to was weeks ago when your brothers decided to send you away.

"With the way they look at you, it's no wonder you don't like them." You say.

"Well, if you don't terrify people at least a little bit then what's the point, right?" She says, her eyes scanning the surroundings nonstop.

Is she waiting for someone?

"Now tell me Humminbird, you care for letting loose at a party?" She asks and fixes a loose strand of hair "This lurking is nice and all, but nothing beats a nice bloody midnight snack. "

Mystery solved. She's a vampire.

"No thanks. I'm not one for parties." You decline, the song coming to an end, the Grammophon crackling.

"Oh come on now, a little party never killed nobody."

Only the thought of people squished together in a room reminds you of the cold and closed walls in the basement. There's not a doubt in your mind that a party is the last thing you want to do.

"Might kill me."

"If you say so." She shrugs and looks over her shoulder again. "Then to another matter; You know you could put your stealth to better use other than stalking that fellow back there."

"So you've been following me, great." You sigh weirdly enough not at all bothered, even with the vibe she gives off, "Okay, I'll play, how exactly should I put it to better use?"

"You could work for me."

"Sorry, but I don't work for anyone, especially because I don't know who the hell you are. Besides, I don't follow orders very well as it is."

"Name's Maeyra Cain, short Mae. See? Now you know me." She smiles "And you wouldn't need to follow orders, only suggestions. You can follow or deny whatever you see fit."

"Give me one good reason why I should even consider working for You? I'm not gonna be your cannon fodder"

"For starters, you would be among your kind. The abandoned and forgotten, outlaws that slip through the cracks - a community of like-minded souls." Mae says and looks at you fully for the first time "You wouldn't be lonely anymore."

Ouch. A dull ache rushes through, her words echoing shortly.

She didn't say alone. She said lonely. And there's a big difference in being without company, and feeling like there's not a single person in the world that cares about you. And, as it seems, Mae spotted that you, unfortunately, are the latter.

"Great sales pitch." You face away from her, swallowing down the sadness creeping up "You should run for office. God knows we could use someone else than Taft up there."

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine?"

"A ray of pitch black would fit better, but sure. It's a family trait. " You shrug her off, with the curiosity of her proposal still lingering.

Perhaps a change of scenery would do you good? But should you really trust someone you just met that lets people quake with fear? And what about Stefan? You would feel guilty if you'd leave him alone now, even if he doesn't even know you're there.

"Let's say I agree, hypothetically, what would I have to do?" You ask her.

"For now, observe a very powerful and dangerous family," Mae says

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