36. Kendall Jenner

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Modelling isn't something I'm doing to prove people wrong. It's something I'm doing because it's what I want to do.

Anytime someone asks me to look at a new house with them, I'm like, 'Yes!'

When I was younger, I used to bite my nails so bad. I used to play sports; I played, like, every sport. I would be playing soccer, and I'd be in the middle of the field just zoned out, biting my nails, and I'd, like, miss the ball going past me.

My Instagram is all me. I like to keep it very personal, and I'd like to keep it that way. You don't really follow to see promotional things at all times. It's my connection with my fans.

My entire life, I just wanted a pony, and I couldn't care less about a pair of shoes.

When I was really young, I can remember being into fashion, but I was really into horses and sports.

My dad is my everything. He always had the craziest speeches for Kylie and me growing up, good words to live by.

I'm very competitive with myself. I'm a scheduler.

Kylie and I are both pretty brave - much braver than the Kardashians. We have the Jenner in us.

I'm the fastest walker, and everyone makes fun of me for it.

Before I got the contract, I'd heard from a lot of people that a contract with a company like Estee Lauder was like a stamp of approval, a stamp of your legit-ness. So getting that was a really big step for me.

I try my best, but at the same time, I try not to let being out with someone affect my everyday life. Like, if I want to go out and grab a smoothie with a friend who's a male, I'm not gonna let the paparazzi stop me from doing that and living my life and just being a normal person.

When I started getting in front of the camera a lot, I think my confidence started to come out.

The New York fashion scene is crazy, madness, but I love the energy.

My dream jobs would be Italian 'Vogue'!

I think my mom and dad have an incredible work ethic, and we've grown up around it.

I want to be like a Christy Turlington, still doing my craft and still killing it. I want longevity and to be able to do this for a really long time.

My way to de-stress is either listening to music or talking to my sister, Kourtney. She's going to teach me how to meditate, and that should help a lot.

Me and Kylie are sisters, but not everything we can always do together. She's not trying to be a model. She's trying to be more like a personality. We're trying to kind of separate ourselves - not in a bad way!

In first grade, I told my friends I had a third story in my house filled with jewels and lions.

I'm obsessed with Tumblr. I love looking at all the pictures!

I definitely want to design clothes at one point.

I've really learned to appreciate a moment. I take things in a lot. I'm kind of weird like that.

Some people might think that what I've done before made it easier for me to get jobs, but it was actually a disadvantage. I had to work even harder.

If I could trade places with any of my sisters for a day, it would be Kim. I want to see what it's like... The only time she sleeps is on the airplane. It's just crazy. I feel bad for her, but I still want to know what it's like.

I've always been a huge family person. Growing up with such a huge family, it was just amazing, so coming home to that is always awesome and... it makes me happy.

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