A secret is revealed

Start from the beginning

Eijirou sighed easily and nodded. „Though Yes ... I can handle the headache, but the pressure is dreadful ... as my head would be in a vice", he explained and Bakugo took one more train from his cigarette. „Well, this is the punishment for the fact that you not only drunk too much, but have also pushed your fucking pigheaded against mine", Bakugo said and Eijirou could see that the blonde was pissed because of this. „Sorry, man! Yesterday I was not really...completely myself", he apologises broadly grinning and heard Bakugo grunt. "And the shit which ya were talking was making me nearly vomit." Bakugo's words let Eijirou swallow. „Oh, I see? What have ... What have I said?" Now he wanted to know and had to laugh slightly nervously.

„You tried to smuggle into me in a way that I already thought, you slip on the own, shit slime trail", he said irritated and Eijirou felt a load fall of his shoulders. If it was only this.//This is just reassuring...Better then telling him, that I've got a crush on him...// He looked to Bakugo and smiled again. „ Honestly man, I'm sorry! I hadn't planned that the evening degenerates like that", he said and Bakugo gave only one "Tch" of himself. „ I'll simply leave you in the bar next time ", he said and, for a short time, Eijirous heart made a jump. 'Next time'...that meant it wasn't that bad for the blonde, didn't it? Contently grinning, the redhead looked to his neighbour. „I'll not be mad at you, Bro", he promised with a big grin and stretched his body once again. „I really need something to eat. What about you?" Maybe they could have breakfast together?

„I've got business to do, Shit-Hair. It's your own fault napping till noon", he said and expressed the cigarette, before his mobile phone already vibrated and he answered the incoming call. „Yes, I am ready", he said to the calling person and disappeared in his apartment. Eijirou sighed slightly. He wanted to talk more to Bakugo...to spend more time with him, but this time it shouldn't be...//I wonder what kind of business he has to do? And who was this on the phone?//Eijirous curiosity contacted again to word and he cursed himself for it. Thus he decreased in his own flat and in his kitchen where he made an omelette to himself.


Eijirou slightly sighed, while he poked around in his food. „Honestly...you've been like that for days now. May you finally gonna tell me what's wrong?", Denki wanted to know. His best friend just invited him for lunch to chat a little bit. The red shock of hair sighed harder and looked at Denki. „Oh, it's nothing", he declined and harvested an incredulous look from the golden eyes. „Of course ... and I'm Chinas new emperor", said Denki irritated, before he looked as if he got it. „Oh! You have a broken heart? No, no...wait! Lovesickness?"

Eijirou looked at his best friend as if he was a bit crazy. "No", he said and took, finally, a bite of his food. Primarily not to have to answer Denki, because now the fire of the questions went off: „Is she with another guy?" „Did she let you down?" „You have already talked to her generally, haven't you?" Eijirou blew out the air, after he had swallowed his bite. „WHO the hell says that we're talking about a woman?", it slipped out of his mouth. He froze in shock and observed startled how Denki froze in his position and looked at him confused. He probably seemed to need some moments, before Eijirou could hear the "click" in his head ". Oh", he said and his eyes became bigger. „Ooooooh!" He seemed to have understood the meaning of Eijirous words. Finally. He felt the tension growing in him. How would his best friend react to this revelation? Eijirou hoped that Denki wouldn't make a big drama out of that. At least, he still would be he himself.

„You're into guys? Wow ... Honestly WOAH! I NEVER thought that you might fish on your own shore", he murmured, however, Denki seemed to think more for the reason for Eijirous grief than about his outing. Eijirou scratched in the cheek. „So you don't care about the fact, that I'm gay?", he asked and Denki cocked his head. „What? Should it bother me, that I got one rival less? Hell No!" He lifted the thumb and grinned at him broadly. „Seriously Eij! You're my best friend and no matter whether, gay, bisexual or hetero ... you'll still be my Buddy!", he said and drank from his coke.

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